The blackbuck, one the fastest animals in India, is losing out in the race of development. Grasslands, their favourite habitat, are being rapidly destroyed, threatening their way of life.
Watch the film in English. To turn on subtitles, click on the CC icon at the bottom of the YouTube video. A red line will appear under the icon once the subtitles have been enabled.
Thumbnail: Surya Ramchandran
Watch the film in Hindi
Thumbnail: Dhritiman Mukherjee
About the contributors

Neha Dixit
is a filmmaker with 20 years of experience making visual stories and documentary films. She creates narratives in an attempt to understand the possibilities of sustenance; economic, environmental, and social. Her life and work are driven by choices that are gentle on Earth.
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Sustain Team
We are a driven group of people from diverse backgrounds, bound by an abiding love for India’s natural world.
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