Information at a glance and fast facts on species and habitats

Capped langur

Satyr tragopan

White-winged wood duck


Ruby-tailed hawklet

Pygmy hog


Dog-faced water snake
Environmental concepts explained
6 Explainers

Coral Reefs of India: What Makes them Important Ecosystems
Coral reefs are biodiverse habitats built by live coral, usually occurring in shallow tropical seas

Frogs Vs Toads
All toads are frogs, but are all frogs toads?

Mangroves: Forests, Coast Guards, Threats
Everything you need to know about these guardians of the coast

Migratory Birds: How Far Do They Travel?
Why do birds migrate, and how do they do it?

What are Wetlands?
A wetland is land that is partially covered with water, or dotted with numerous salty or freshwater waterbodies

What are Wildlife Corridors?
Wildlife corridors connect isolated patches of forests or landscapes, so animals can get from one habitat to another without any obstacles