Ladakh Pika’s Winter Challenge

Video Published : May 06, 2022 Updated : Oct 06, 2023
Ladakh's winter weakens the strongest, many mammals choose to hibernate or migrate. But not the pikas — these tiny but hardy fur balls stay strong and prepared to face the cold and harsh season
Ladakh's winter weakens the strongest, many mammals choose to hibernate or migrate. But not the pikas — these tiny but hardy fur balls stay strong and prepared to face the cold and harsh season
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About the contributors

Sustain Team

Sustain Team

We are a driven group of people from diverse backgrounds, bound by an abiding love for India’s natural world.
Imran Frozen

Imran Frozen

is a filmmaker, photographer and naturalist based in the Himalayas. He is lucky to have captured rare footage of the Eurasian lynx, Pallas’ cat, Himalayan brown bear and the snow leopard.
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