10 Results

Indian Grey Wolf: Mystique and Misfortune on the Grasslands
Humans have a complex relationship with this apex predator of many Indian grassland habitats, and it ranges from reverence to fear to loathing
Photo Story

The Dark Knights: How Hyenas Protect our Ecosystems
Hyenas feed on rotting carcasses, and never leave decaying matter around to spread disease. These misunderstood scavengers are crucial to the health of Saswad’s grasslands

Leopards of Saswad: On the Edge of a Concrete Jungle
Wolves have ruled the Saswad grasslands for years, but recently an uninvited guest has taken over– the leopard. Now, the city threatens to take over these grasslands. Will the leopard survive the onslaught of the urban?

A Reign at Risk: The Indian Grey Wolf and the Grasslands of Saswad
The Indian grey wolf is the apex predator of Saswad's grasslands, but defending its territory is not easy. It must chase away hyenas and aggressive packs of dogs. And now, a new challenger has shown up. Can the grey ghost of the grasslands retain its dominance?

Indian Grey Wolf: Ghosts of The Grasslands
These elusive wild predators are not found in jungles, but in scrubland and grasslands adjacent to human habitation

Saswad: In Harmony with Wild Neighbours
In Saswad, locals and the wild have learned to live with each other — leopards and wolves polish off poultry carcasses, birds show up to feast on the seasonal crop, and the timid Bengal fox builds homes in cultivated farms

Chinkara: The Graceful Gazelles of Saswad
The chinkara may not be on everyone’s watch list, but it should be, for this alert and agile doe-eyed antelope is a study in beauty and poise

Dhangars of Saswad: How Traditional Livelihoods Conserve Unique Ecosystems
Climate change and infrastructure projects are threatening the traditional pastoral occupations that have helped preserve the grasslands of Saswad for centuries

Painted Sandgrouse: The Art of Blending In
With its black, white, and brown plumage the painted sandgrouse is well camouflaged in the rocky landscapes of the Saswad grasslands near Pune

The Wilds of Saswad: The Vibrant Grassland Near Pune
“Wasteland” is such a gross misnomer for the thriving but fragile grassland habitats of India. Saswad is one such unprotected landscape where abundant bird and animal life flourishes