Barring the hot desert, amphibians are found in most other habitats
Habitat Type
Mangroves, seasonal wetlands, rivers, streams, agricultural fields, tree canopy, rock pools, forests, etc
Habitat loss and pollution
Did You Know
The word 'amphibian' is derived from the Greek 'amphibios' meaning 'living a double life'. It reflects their dual strategy of living on land and water
Barring the hot desert, amphibians are found in most other habitats
Habitat Type
Mangroves, seasonal wetlands, rivers, streams, agricultural fields, tree canopy, rock pools, forests, etc
Habitat loss and pollution
Did You Know
The word 'amphibian' is derived from the Greek 'amphibios' meaning 'living a double life'. It reflects their dual strategy of living on land and water
Through videos, stories, infographics and more, here's a deep dive into the world and life of amphibians.