Through videos, stories, infographics and more, here's a deep dive into the world and life of birds.
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396 Results

The Crow Pheasant: Neither Crow nor Pheasant
The greater coucal or crow pheasant is an enigmatic bird that is neither related to the crow nor the pheasant. It belongs instead to the cuckoo family. And, unlike other members of their tribe, a couple will lovingly care for and raise their young together

Corvids: Facts, Distribution, Habitat
All you need to know about crows and their kin

Namma Ankasamudra: Jewel of North Karnataka
The three hundred year old wetland at Ankasamudra is home to over 150 avian species. From painted storks and pelicans to an assortment of ducks and wild geese, a symphony of birds ensures that this wetland remains a thriving ecosystem.
What happens when the local community notices the threats to the wetland and comes together to understand and preserve its inhabitants?
Find out in "Namma Ankasamudra" heartwarming tale of compassion, community and conservation.

Scarlet Finch: Facts, Habitat, Distribution
All you need to know about this charismatic bird

Happy Campers: Life Lessons from the Wagtails of India
Of the six species of wagtails found in India, most are migratory winter visitors to the Indian subcontinent. They are a joy to watch as they forage for insects along the edges of waterbodies, enthusiastically wagging their tails

Collared Falconet: Diminutive Predator of the Aerial World
Small in size but highly agile, these birds are remarkable hunters of butterflies, dragonflies, and other large insects

The Rediscovery of the Jerdon’s or Double-banded Courser
In this anthology, editors Anita Mani and Shashank Dalvi present captivating quests to find India’s rarest birds—including the particularly thrilling search for the elusive Jerdon’s Courser.

Alpine Accentor: Facts, Habitat, Song
Everything you need to know about this songster of the high mountains

Asian Koel: Facts, Habitat, Nests
Everything you need to know about this bird commonly heard in urban backyards

GRWM: Style Tips from the Satyr Tragopan
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Western Marsh Harrier: Facts, Subspecies, Habitat
All you need to know about this large raptor

Ducks and Geese: What’s the Difference?
Here's a quick guide to what sets ducks and geese apart

Oriental Magpie Robin: Habitat, Calls, Nesting Behaviour
Everything you need to know about this melodious bird

What Woodpeckers are Telling Us, and Why it’s Important
Few bird groups are so intimately dependent on forests as woodpeckers. The significant decline of several woodpecker species is a signal that we need to do more to conserve our forests and biodiversity
Wild Vault

Minivets: Small, Ember Birds of Tropical Forests
With long tails, slender bodies, and often vibrant plumage, various minivets are found in the jungles and shrublands of eastern and southern Asia

Asian Koels: The Songsters of Summer
In the summer months, the koel calls out day and night, from the dense foliage of trees it hides in. While some urban dwellers find the calls “annoying”, artists, poets, birdwatchers and researchers have long been fascinated with this shy, vocal bird

These Swiftlet Facts Will Make You a 'Swiftie'
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Brown Hornbills: Seven Sisters of the High Canopy
The many joys of watching a brown hornbill hunting party feeding a breeding female ensconced in her nest cavity in Dehing Patkai National Park, Assam
Photo Story

Spirited Away: In Search of the Deo Haanh
The white-winged wood duck is so rarely seen that it has inspired several folktales in Assam’s swamp forests. Locals, who hear its ghostly call after dark, call it deo haanh or spirit duck. When filmmaker Jayshree Borgohain went looking for it, her search turned part-exploratory, part-spiritual.
Will the forest spirits guide her quest?

Narcondam Hornbill: Tale of a Rescue
Memories of a chance encounter with the endemic Narcondam hornbill in a dense forest of an isolated tropical island in the southern Bay of Bengal
Wild Vault

Poison in Diet Emerges as Threat to Greater Adjutant Storks
After the population of greater adjutant storks rose in Bhagalpur, Bihar, stork deaths are being noted across the district, due to the consumption of poisoned rats and fish

Black-bellied Sandgrouse: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this ground-nesting bird

Ibisbill in Kashmir: Where Boulders Have Wings
Though widespread in other higher regions of Asia, the ibisbill is found only in a few specialised riverine habitats in India, and these are, unfortunately, under significant threat from mining and other human activities

Avian Percussionists: The Drumming Woodpeckers of Uttarakhand
With twenty woodpecker species, Uttarakhand stands out as one of the most woodpecker-diverse states in India. The Corbett-Rajaji landscape alone accounts for half of all woodpecker species in the country
Photo Story

Bugun Liocichla: A Quest to See this Rare Gem of the Northeast
The first new bird species to be discovered in India after independence is found only in a tiny, protected area of Arunachal Pradesh

Snow Pigeon: Facts, Range, Habitat
All you need to know about this high-altitude resident

Junglefowl of India: Facts, Habitat, Calls
All you need to know about the two species of junglefowl found in India

Himalayan Griffon: Facts, Habitat, Nesting
All you need to know about this large vulture

The High Life of the Himalayan Monal
The Himalayan monal is a show-stopper of the high mountains. During spring, the male dressed in his best attire, shows off his regal plumage, whistles, and dances to attract the attention of a mate. Will the female fall for his advances?

Munsiyari’s Omnipresent Alpine Accentors and Their Love Lives
These stout little birds migrate to lower altitudes in the non-breeding season and are visible everywhere. Their breeding rituals and accompanying songs take place in the summer in the quieter higher reaches of the Himalayas

Western Jackdaw: Facts, Range, Breeding
All you need to know about the smallest member of the Corvid family

Plain mountain finch: Facts, Habitat, Flocks
All you need to know about these little brown birds that gather in large swirling flocks

Cormorants of India: Facts, Size, Diet
All you need to know about the three species of these aquatic birds found in India

Echoes of the Swiftlets: Exploring the hidden world of the Indian Swiftlet
Off the coast of Maharashtra lies a landscape unlike any other. Colossal cliffs, crashing waves, mysterious sea caves and haunted lighthouses – this is the Vengurla rocks archipelago. Two of these islands are home to the biggest known breeding colonies of the Indian swiftlets. Studying these birds in this harsh terrain is no easy feat. Watch Dr Sirish Manchi and Dhanusha Kawalkar tackle challenges as they study the mysterious Indian swiftlet.

Indian Swiftlet: The Best Kept Secret of Vengurla Rocks
Swiftlets have adapted quite stunningly to live inside dark underground habitats using echolocation. On Burnt Island, Indian swiftlets are an integral part of the cave ecosystem

Black Necked Stork: King of the Marshes
The black necked stork is the symbol of a large, thriving marsh. Like a king, the grand bird needs a lot of space, where it can prey upon fish, frogs, aquatic snakes, snails, and even other birds. Watch these two stork families go about their life near Jamnagar for a unique glimpse into their world.

Watching Vultures Around Munsiyari
Encounters with the majestic Himalayan griffon and the bone-swallowing bearded vulture in a quaint, high-altitude town in Uttarakhand

Malabar Pied Hornbill: From Forest to Fragments
An important seed disperser in deciduous forests, the Malabar pied hornbill has had to adapt and contend with the reality of dwindling natural habitats
Photo Story

Indian Swiftlet: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this medium-sized swift with a shallow forked tail

The Forgotten Tale of Black-Bellied Sandgrouse
An extraordinary number of sandgrouse would visit the princely state of Bikaner, Rajasthan for over half a century from the 1890s, offering the maharaja bragging rights and the British elite, thrilling shooting opportunities

The Sal Symphony
The sal forest is a complex ecosystem that has evolved over millennia. A favorite of woodpeckers and other creatures, the sal tree is the dominant species in a sal forest. These tall trees are very difficult to regenerate artificially, so their destruction has everlasting repercussions.

Ibisbill: Facts, Range, Habitat
All you need to know about this wader

White-winged Wood Duck: Facts, Range, Threats
All you need to know about this elusive duck that is highly endangered

Bank Myna: Facts, Range, Calls
All you need to know about this smaller cousin of the common myna

Barn Owl: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this medium-sized owl considered farmer's friends

Barbets of India: Send in the Clowns
Nine species of this bird family are found in India, several with vibrant crimson, yellow, and black heads and large soulful eyes

The Grandala Blues
Towards the end of autumn, the Eastern Himalayas greet flocks of dazzling grandalas. Descending from the alpine grasslands, they arrive just in time for a sea buckthorn berry feast. But what does climate change have in store for them?

Four Fantastic Pheasants of Uttarakhand
Dazzled by encounters with the regal cheer, Himalayan monal, koklass pheasant, and kalij pheasants on a trip to Uttarakhand
Photo Story

Jungle Babbler: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about these gregarious birds that live in groups

Owling in Gujarat’s Dang
Twelve species of owls can be spotted with relative ease in this area of the northern Western Ghats, making owling incredibly popular with birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts
Photo Story

Art Expedition: On the Trail of the Great Indian Bustard
Wildlife artist Sangeetha Kadur illustrates the critically endangered bustard, and its neighbours, in Rajasthan’s Desert National Park
Wild Vault

Large Grey Babbler: Facts, Range and Vocalisations
All you need to know about the largest babblers in India

Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker: Facts, Range and Social Behaviour
All you need to know about this primarily insectivorous, small woodpecker

Purple Cochoa: Facts, Diet, Calls
All you need to know about this extremely shy bird found in hill and submontane forests

Green Cochoa: Facts, Calls, Habitat
All you need to know about this extremely uncommon green bird of hill forests

Little Grebe: Artwork of Evolution
Look for this pretty, petite, diving waterbird in open wetlands, where it swims and paddles among reeds and other vegetation and hunts for food underwater

White-naped Tit: Facts, Habitat, Diet
All you need to know about this elusive bird found only in southern and western India

Red-billed Chough: Facts, Range and Habitat
All you need to know about these vocal birds of the crow family

This Openbill Stork Knows How to Strike a Pose
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Forest Owlet: Resurrected but Endangered
With an interesting history of “extinction” and rediscovery, the endemic forest owlet perches on the brink of disappearing

Bird Pollinators — Love in the Time of Ornithophily
Pollinating birds and the plants that rely on them have shaped each other over millennia, forming an evolutionary relationship that has lasted aeons
Photo Story

Forest Owlet: Facts, Calls and Nesting
All you need to know about this owl endemic to west-central India

Upland Buzzard: Facts, Range and Nesting
All you need to know about the world's largest buzzard

Indian Spotted Creeper: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this elusive bird that is only found in India

White-throated Kingfisher: Facts, Range and Nesting
All you need to know about the vibrant white-breasted kingfisher

Brown Hornbill: Facts, Diet, Threats
All you need to know about this medium-sized brown hornbill with a white-tipped tail

Disco Dance, Male Sunbird Style
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Storks: Birds with Broadsword Bills
Eight species of these large, long-legged wading birds are familiar sights in different parts of India

Bejewelled: On the Trail of the Himalayan Monal in Uttarakhand
Iridescent males are striking and unmissable, while females come dressed in browns and patterns that blend seamlessly with the landscape, allowing them to evade predators by remaining inconspicuous

Cranes: Trumpeters of the Skies
Catch sight of these tall, long-necked birds dancing in paddy fields or declaring their everlasting love for one another

Yellow-billed Chough: Facts, Range, Diet
All you need to know this high-altitude crow

Abbott's Babbler: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this shy, medium-sized babbler with a short tail

Mangrove Pitta: Facts, Diet, Threats
All you need to know about this shy beautiful bird with a huge crab-smashing bill

Eurasian Wryneck: Facts, Habitat, Features
All you need to know about this small, elusive woodpecker

Sky Skaters: Sally Forth with Vibrant Bee-eaters
Multi-coloured bee-eaters are a delight to watch as they skate and pirouette in the skies on triangular pointed wings, snapping up a bee or wasp in-flight before returning to their perch to devour it

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo: The Master Mimic
The greater racket-tailed drongo can imitate calls of over 40 different species including a variety of birds, frogs and even insects! Wildlife ecologist Samira Agnihotri has been tracking the bird and its shenanigans for most of her adult life. Watch her talk about why the bird mimics so many species and how everyone is bound to fall in love with it.

Nagaland's Biodiversity Documentation Receives Boost Through First Bird Count
The Tokhü Emong Bird Count (TEBC) is a flagship event that is taking steps to promote conservation in the state by creating awareness through birding.

Choughs: Gurus of the Mountain Skies
Clever and social, choughs live in a wide altitudinal range in the Indian Himalayas and beyond. These birds are adaptable and occupy different habitats, and have a varied diet

Gods of Scavenging: Vultures of the Indian subcontinent
Nature’s most efficient scavengers once numbered in the millions. Now, four of the nine species found in India are critically endangered and face the risk of extinction
Photo Story

Common Tailorbird: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about these small songbirds known for stitching nests out of leaves

Brown-capped pygmy woodpecker: Facts, Diet, Threats
All you need to know about one of the smallest woodpeckers in India

Rufous-bellied Woodpecker: Facts, Range, Diet
All you need to know about Asia's only sap-sucking woodpecker

Oriental Honey Buzzard: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know to about this bee predator

Bulbuls: Play on Merry Minstrels
With expressive faces and a song in their heart, various species of these cheerful entertainers are found in different parts of the country

Toolkit: Migratory Birds
Here are some resources to kickstart a conversation on birds and migration in India.

Common Hawk-cuckoo: Facts, Nesting, Calls
All you need to know about the brainfever bird

Little Grebe: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about these small diving birds found in freshwater wetlands

Drop-Dead Gorgeous: Festoon of Grandalas in the Himalayas
In flight or at rest, flocks of grandalas are a joy to behold, thanks to the brilliant blue colouring of the males of the species
Photo Story

Green Munia: Facts, Distribution, Threats
All you need to know about this small, colourful bird

Nilgiri Laughingthrush: Habitat, Calls, Nests
All you need to know about this endangered shola forest resident

A Lengthy Tweet
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Horned Lark: Facts, Habitat, Nesting
All you need to know about the 'crazy bird'

Peafowl Tales: Flamboyant Trains and Screeching Calls
The raucous bird with its magnificent iridescent cloak is an efficient watchdog, letting out a high-pitched screech to warn other jungle creatures of impending danger

Indian Paradise Flycatcher: Facts, Habitat, Colour Morphs
All you need to know about the shah bulbul

Wildlife Puzzle: Indian White-eye
Put this jigsaw together to reveal a beautiful photograph of an Indian white-eye

Indian Peafowl: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about the largest peafowl that is India's national bird

Indian Pitta: Call, Migration, Breeding
All you need to know about this brightly-coloured bird

Cosy Colonies of Wondrous, Wily Weavers
When you see their lovely woven straw-coloured nests hanging from trees, look out for these sparrow-sized weaverbirds that live and breed in them

Who's Who: Difference Between the Intermediate and Great Egret
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

The Woes of an Office Intern
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo: Facts, Calls, Habitat
All you need to know about this large black drongo known for its mimicry

Quiz: Guess the Bird
Found in different shapes and sizes across diverse habitats, birds continue to capture our imagination through their colourful feathers and melodious calls. Take our quiz to find out if you can identify birds just by looking at their silhouettes!

Purple Sunbird: Facts, Habitat, Size
All you need to know about this tiny and shy nectar-feeder

Meet Tropical Birds, the Original Beach Diva
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Bugun Liocichla: Discovery, Geographical Range, Habitat
All you need to know about this highly endemic, critically endangered bird

Woolly-necked Storks Thriving in Haryana
Despite a fragile relationship with farmlands, the birds are breeding in densely populated villages and towns that are heavily dependent on agriculture

Guardians of the Garuda: Greater Adjutants and the Villagers of Bhagalpur
How local villagers, a conservationist, and the forest department turned around the population of an endangered bird in an unlikely area of Bihar
Photo Story

Fantastic Falcons: Streamlined, Superfast Raptors in Many Avatars
Around 15 species of resident and migratory falcons are found in India. Among them, the powerful peregrine (which can clock 390 kmph) holds the world speed record as the fastest-moving living creature

Hawk Assault: Agile Hunters on a Wing
Shikras and goshawks are small woodland hawks (no larger than crows), but don’t let that fool you into underestimating their hunting prowess as they grab birds, reptiles, insects, and small mammals with lightning speed

Fall of the House of Vultures (And How We Can Stop It)
Vultures provide priceless ecosystem services by cleaning the environment. Only real changes in the use of vulture-toxic veterinary drugs can help them and the captive-breeding programmes trying to revive their decimated populations

Yellow-breasted Bunting: Facts, Calls, Threats
All you need to know about this migratory songbird

Bird Quest: In Search of the Last Nicobar Megapodes
In March 2021, a team from Roundglass Sustain travelled to the tip of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago to document a stocky brown bird found only on few of its islands. But why did the quest mean so much? Watch the film to find out.

Turbines Taking the Wind Out of Wildlife’s Sails
According to a study from central Karnataka, birds and mammals fare well in areas without wind turbines over wind turbine sites

Tragopans of India: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about the four colourful and elusive Tragopans found in the Himalayas

Three’s No Longer a Crowd for Sarus Cranes
According to a new study, these formerly monogamous birds are now forming trios to raise their chicks
Wild Vault

Andaman Teal: Call, Habitat, Status
All you need to know about this dabbling duck found only on some islands of the Indian Ocean

The Guide: Sultanpur National Park
A tiny park, a little lake, and the unexpected promise of over 320 species of birds, make this wetland area close to Gurgaon a birder’s haven

What the Jungle Babblers Babble About
Jungle babblers have been known as loud, cacophonous, rowdy birds — but turns out that their "babble" is a complex communication system that they use to look out for each other

Urban Birds Bingo: How Many Have You Seen?
Use this sheet to strike out birds you can spot from your window or your backyard. What's your score?

Monitoring Vultures in Madhya Pradesh’s Panna Tiger Reserve
Around 25 vultures in Panna Tiger Reserve, including the critically endangered Indian vulture, have been geotagged for monitoring the species’ behaviour

Lesser Florican: Dance, Habitat, Courtship
All you need to know about one of the smallest bustard species in the world

Kutch: From Bird Paradise to Death Trap?
Thousands of birds are estimated to be dying in Kutch due to collisions with power lines. The lines also threaten the critically endangered Great Indian Bustard

Playful Parakeets: Green Chilli-shaped Missiles of Entertainment
It’s fun to watch flocks of parakeets streaking across the sky, screaming, showing off myriad shades of green — but best of all it’s a joy to spot them canoodling or caring for their young

In Assam, Pesticide Poisoning Targeting Stray Dogs Kills Over 100 Vultures
On March 17, carcasses of 100 Himalayan griffon vultures and one steppe eagle were found in Chaygaon, Assam

The Babblers Five: Soul Sisters and Charming Angry Birds
They may look dull but don’t underestimate the cooperative flock strength and fiery personalities of these noisy gangs of birds

Friendly Neighbours: Lesser Florican and the Farmers of Shokaliya
There are less than 340 lesser florican males on Earth and experts believe that the number of females is even smaller, but the smallest bustard species in India is trying to beat the odds with a little help from the farmers of Shokaliya, a village in Rajasthan's Ajmer district.

Changeable Hawk Eagle: The King of Birds
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Love and Let Live: Saving Puttenahalli Lake
A neighbourhood environmental group comes together to preserve a dying lake, providing a variety of birds and insects a place to thrive, and glimmer of hope for Bangalore city
Urban Jungle

Why Namdapha's White-Bellied Herons Are Quietly Disappearing
In the deep jungles of Arunachal Pradesh, lives a tall bird with a snake-like neck and a strong beak — the white-bellied heron. Find out why If we don’t act fast, India may never see this rare species again

Tragopans: The Horned Pheasants of India
Vibrant and colourful though they are, four species of this group of elusive birds manage to hide in the mountainous forests of the Indian Himalayas
Photo Story

Family Tree: Eurasian Spoonbills and the Drama of Daily Life
As the breeding season begins in Bharatpur some trees transform into colonies — hosting nearly 30-40 pairs of birds and their nests! We zoom into the daily family drama of the Eurasian spoonbills as they build nests, mate, give birth and raise chicks.

Sippighat Wetland: A Bird Haven Created by the Tsunami
A number of wetlands emerged after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami battered the coasts of the Andamans. They are now home to resident and migratory waterbirds — including the vulnerable and endemic Andaman teal

Is the Jerdon’s Courser Extinct?
Lost, found, and lost again — the long story of an elusive nocturnal bird that has only been seen in a few restricted areas of scrub jungle near Cuddappah (Kadapa), Andhra Pradesh

Edible-nest Swiftlet: Little Bird with an Expensive Nest
In deep caves on Interview Island in the Andamans, a tiny bird survives the long arm of poachers and others hungry for its nest

Malabar Grey Hornbill’s Population on the Decline in Western Ghats
Conservationists say a drop in numbers could have an irreversible impact on the forest ecosystem in the long term, as the species plays an important role in the growth and survival of a forest.

Eat, Prey, Love: Lake-side Romance of a Common Kingfisher
The spring has finally arrived in Bharatpur — the perfect weather for the common kingfisher to look for a mate. But winning a female’s heart is not easy. Will a freshly-caught, fishy treat do the trick?

The Endangered Bengal Florican and Koklabari's Fields of Hope
Every monsoon, the critically endangered Bengal florican leaves the protected grasslands of Manas National Park to move into the adjacent human-dominated agricultural farms of Koklabari. Why does it make this unlikely move?

Little Grebe: Little-known Creature of the Wetlands
Often mistaken for a duck, the smallest of the grebes is a fascinating waterbird that has a dance-like courting display and a floating nest
Photo Story

Quiz: Kingfishers
Did you know that the kingfisher's beak has inspired break-through technology? Take our quiz and discover more on these fascinating birds!

Sparrows: Fall of the Little Birds
An avid birder describes some close encounters with the once abundant but now dwindling species

Edible-nest Swiftlet: Facts, Diet, Threats
All you need to know about this colonial nester

House Sparrow: Facts, Diet, Threats
All you need to know about this small songbird

The Cooperative Nesting Society of Painted Storks
Wetland waders, these birds are big on communal living, especially around breeding time, when they gather in large groups of several hundred
Photo Story

Nalabana Bird Sanctuary: Magnificent Reed Forest
Over 140+ species of migratory birds, including rare and threatened species, arrive at Nalabana Island within Odisha’s Chilika Lake post-monsoon each year

Indian Grey Hornbill: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this small greyish-silver hornbill

A Dust Spa: Malabar Pied Hornbills and their Winter Bath
Malabar pied hornbills, like all birds, must keep their feathers in pristine condition. After all, their survival depends on it. Watch them wriggle and roll in the dust for a perfect clean-up.

Eurasian Spoonbill: Facts, Wingspan, Weight
All you need to know about these waders commonly seen in wetlands

Word Search Puzzle: Cranes of India
India is home to four species of cranes. Find them in this word search puzzle!

Stunners of the Feathered Kind in Singalila National Park
Sights and songs of Singalila’s myriad birds are a delightful accompaniment on the trails of this high-altitude national park in West Bengal
Photo Story

Trouble in Paradise: The Changing World of the Nicobar Megapode
Endemic to the Nicobar group of islands, this ground-dwelling bird that barely survived a devastating tsunami now faces multiple threats to its existence

Sharing Spaces: The Indian Farmer and the Sarus Crane
The world’s tallest flying bird is comfortable living among fields of rice and other water-loving crops and has a relationship of coexistence with Indian agriculturists
Photo Story

The Grandala: Flying Blue Gem of the Himalayas
Large restless flocks of these dazzling blue birds, with their jovial habits, are a sight to behold in Sikkim and other parts of the north in winter

Indian Skimmer: Fish-Loving River Hunter
Though they are successful fishers, there are less than 3,000 of the orange-billed birds left in the wild; and the banks of the Chambal River are the foremost breeding habitat for the species
Photo Story

Dab, Dip, Dive: The Dashing Ducks of India
India's waterbodies host many species of ducks. While a handful are resident, others visit from Central Asia and Siberia. Let’s meet some of these dashing dabblers and divers!

Smaller Herons and Egrets: Hunchbacks and Those Lovely in Lace
With razor-sharp bills and long legs, these pretty wading birds are usually stationed at the edge of waterbodies, ready to catch fish, frogs, and other aquatic animals

The Guide: Where to Find the Aravallis in and around Delhi-NCR
The Aravallis were once a contiguous mountain range that ran through Delhi-NCR. Though fragmented, you can still find pockets of wilderness that provide a much-needed green respite from the concrete capital

Seeking the Satyr Tragopan Along a Mountain Road
Sighting this threatened, elusive pheasant of the Himalayas requires persistence; but it’s patience well rewarded

Playing Hide and Seek with the Nicobar Megapode
It took three weeks, thirteen attempts, eight hides, and trips to three different coasts of the Nicobar Islands to catch a fleeting glimpse of the elusive Nicobar megapode

Wildlife Puzzle: Woodpecker
Put together this jigsaw to see a beautiful brown fronted woodpecker chasing a rufous sibia in Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary

Feast and Frolic: Winter Party of the Demoiselle Cranes
A party of charming guests has travelled hundreds of kilometres to spend their winters in Rajasthan. Watch them enjoy a feast, cool off by the lakes, charm a mate and shake a leg! Welcome to a virtual party with the demoiselle cranes

Malabar Grey Hornbill: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about the smallest of oriental hornbills

Big Herons: Those Grouchy old Fishermen
Armed with a S-shaped neck and dagger-like bill, these herons are accomplished fishers

Home Affairs: The Cacophonous Colonies of Painted Storks
Raising a family is no piece of cake, and the painted storks know that. The young need food, the nest needs repair, and nosy neighbours must be kept away. Welcome to the noisy neighbourhood of the painted storks

Phoenix of the Northeast: Once Hunted, Amur Falcons are Now Welcomed and Celebrated
In 2012, thousands of migratory Amur falcons were hunted in the Pangti village of Nagaland in a single day. But the acute crisis gave birth to one of India's most inspiring bird conservation stories, turning former hunters into guardians and inspiring several villages across the region to celebrate the arrival of these winter guests

Why Vultures of Panna May Lose their Cliff-Side Homes
For thousands of years, hundreds of vultures have built nests on the steep, ancient gorges of Panna, but new developments stand to submerge these landscapes. If the plan goes through, will the vultures return to nest?

Common Coot: Facts, Calls, Wetland Habitats
All you need to know about this noisy waterbird found in slow-moving or still waters

Night Shift: Chasing Endemic Island Owls and Other Adventures
After-dark explorations in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands reveal native owls and a cast of interesting characters
Photo Story

Satyr Tragopan: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this pheasant found in the Himalayas

Nightjars: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about these nocturnal birds

Chirgaon Leads the Way in Vulture Conservation
Vulture population in village in Maharashtra rises from 22 in 1999-2000 to 249 in 2021

Greater Flamingo: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about the most widespread species of flamingos

Lesser Flamingo: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about the most numerous species of flamingos

Malabar Pied Hornbill: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this forest farmer

Common Kingfisher: The Bolt of Blue
Its vivid electric blue and orange colouring has led to a timeless fascination with its beauty, but this little bird is also an excellent hunter

Another Veterinary Drug Endangers India's Vultures
Study urges for ban on widely-used painkiller nimesulide, which exerts toxic effects on vultures

Serial Drillers: Great Slaty Woodpeckers as Community Cavity Creators
Woodpeckers regularly construct tree cavities of all sizes. These become potential dwellings for a diverse set of creatures from bees to birds, mammals, and reptiles

Himalayan Monal: Facts, Habitat, Lifespan
All you need to know about the state bird of Uttarakhand

Nicobar Megapode: Facts, Diet, Threats
All you need to know about this bird endemic to the Nicobar Islands

Great Crested Grebe: Courtship Dance, Lifespan, Habitat
All you need to know about these graceful, diving waterbirds

Grandala: Facts, Appearance, Diet
All you need to know about the royal-blue, gregarious bird

Delightful Ducks: From the Flamboyant to the Austere
Of all the species of wildfowl recorded in India, just a handful are resident birds. The rest are winter migrants, mostly flying in from their breeding grounds in Central Asia and Siberia. Here’s a look at some of these charming birds
Photo Story

After Dark: The Nightlife of the Nocturnal Nightjar
In the dead of the night, as the forest grows darker and quieter, the nightjar wakes up — to hunt, to mate and to sing a few late-night blues

How Peacock Won a Peahen Over With the Perfect Pun
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

For Love of Nectar: The Dazzling Sunbirds of India
Sunbirds are everywhere in India, in dense forests and concrete jungles buzzing with human activity — all we have to do is pay attention
Photo Story

Gutsy Gulls: Trick or Treating on the Water
Seagulls employ various strategies to secure a meal. From intelligent fishing to scavenging and outright theft, their schemes succeed at times and fail comically at other points
Photo Story

Peculiar Pelicans: Gawky, Grand and Graceful Waterbirds
These social birds may sometimes appear clownish and clumsy but they’re majestic and dignified when they fish and fly

Why the World’s Smallest Crane Flocks to a Dusty Village in Rajasthan
How one man's effort to feed 8O-odd migratory demoiselle cranes, attracted thousands and gave birth to one of Rajasthan's most famous bird sanctuaries. Welcome to Kheechan's annual bird feast — a party with the demoiselle cranes

Elusive White-bellied Herons Make a Rare Appearance
In a first for India, two birds were spotted at an elevation of 1,200 metres above sea level in Arunachal Pradesh
Wild Vault

Wings of Hope: A Bustling Village and their Bird Friends
Menar is not a reserved bird area, yet thousands of resident and migratory birds feel secure in the heart of this bustling village. What makes them feel safe here?

Brown Shrike: Facts, Habitat, Migration
All you need to know about the brown shrike or butcher bird

City of Lakes at Risk: Why Udaipur’s Wetlands Need Your Attention
Udaipur’s interconnected lakes have supported local communities and welcomed migratory birds for hundreds of years. But the pressures of growing tourism and unchecked construction are ruining these wetlands. Will the lakes of Udaipur survive the onslaught of “development”?

Black Magic: Common Coots and their Vacation in Rajasthan’s Wetlands
Every winter, flocks of common coots migrate from Russia, China and Central Asia to vacation in Rajasthan’s urban wetlands. But life in the city is getting trickier. Are the coots trying to send us a message?

Bengal Florican: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this critically endangered bird

Home Affairs: The Great Crested Grebes Build a Nest
Every winter morning, Rajasthan's Menar lake teems with thousands of migratory guests. But today, there’s a new development in the neighbourhood. A pair of great crested grebes have just turned proud parents

The Rousing Call of the Common Hawk-Cuckoo
You know its peak summer and the breeding season when you hear the incessant calls of the brainfever bird

Grey-headed Fish Eagle: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this majestic raptor

Mohammed Dilawar: A Superhero for the House Sparrow
The humble house sparrow’s population was seeing a steep decline for decades, until an ecologist decided to do something about it

Saving Cranes: Why We Need to Protect These Tall Wading Birds
From five species of cranes, we’re down to four. The survival of these charismatic species requires community involvement and wetland protection
Photo Story

Waltz on Water: Courtship of the Great Crested Grebe
Mainly winter migrants to India, these diving waterbirds have a mating ritual that involves dancing while holding weeds. Here is a rare glimpse into their lives and synchronised moves
Photo Story

Demoiselle Cranes and the Great Kheechan Mela
Every year, thousands of demoiselle cranes make their way from breeding grounds in Central Asia to the little town of Kheechan, on the fringes of the Thar Desert. And they are welcomed and well looked after
Photo Story

Stay Home like a Hornbill
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Winged Wonders of Uttarakhand
Five species of critically endangered birds and more than 50 per cent of the country’s bird species inhabit the dynamic habitat of this hilly state
Photo Story

Indian Paradise Flycatcher: Flash Dance of the Glam King
Dressed to the nines, with blue eye rings, dapper suits, and fancy trailing ribbons, the adult male of this species is a showstopper

A Pond Heron’s Annual Wardrobe Collection
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Delhi’s Unlikely Stopover: Finding Everything in the Middle of Nothing
Agricultural farms on the edge of Delhi may not look like picture perfect sanctuaries, but during winters they turn into essential stopovers for long-distance fliers
Wild Vault

River Recluse: The White-bellied Heron of Namdapha National Park
A small population of these critically endangered birds live a quiet, secluded life in the wilderness of Arunachal Pradesh
Photo Story

Sticking Point: Bewitched by the Brown Shrike
Why does this sweet, unassuming bird have the ominous nickname “butcherbird”?

Sunbirds: Zippy Popstars Dressed to the Nines
Tiny tots with sharp curved bills, these dazzling extroverts frequent urban gardens to feed on nectar

Dizzying Decline of the Indian Vulture
The unique dietary habits of vultures make them critical to many ecosystems, but also susceptible to the fatal effects of harmful chemicals consumed by other animals

Indian Grey Hornbill: Unsung Hero of Urban Forests
The most widely distributed of hornbill species in India, this fruit loving bird can often be spotted in the middle of a city

Mischief Makers: The Disgraceful Antics of Graceful Gulls
Migratory gulls are elegant, graceful birds, until they spot someone with a delicious snack

Junk Food: Why Migratory Gulls are Snacking on the Gujarati Gathiya
Every winter, gulls travel from faraway lands like Siberia and Alaska to warmer regions of India. In parts of Gujarat, they are getting hooked to a local fried snack — the gathiya

Narcondam Hornbill: Facts, Habitat, and Call
All you need to know about these enigmatic seed dispersers

Gulls: Facts, Habitat, and Call
All you need to know about these clever birds

Harriers: The Winter Guests of Velavadar
Every winter, harriers fly thousands of miles from northern Central Asia to reach the grasslands of Saurashtra. Gujarat's Velavadar is India's largest roosting ground for these handsome birds of prey

A Pipit Rhyme for a Chilly Morning
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Wildlife Puzzle: Indian Pitta
Put together this jigsaw to see the beautiful Indian pitta in Dudhwa National Park

Raptors and the Fine Art of Fishing
Pallas’s fish-eagle, osprey, and peregrine falcon are just some of the numerous species of raptors found in India that have adapted, in varying degrees, to live and hunt by waterbodies
Photo Story

Frabjous Flamingos: Haughty Ballerinas of the Wetlands
Tall, boisterous, and dressed in a ballerina’s pink tutu, the flamingo looks like it stepped out of a whimsical Lewis Caroll fantasy

Love at First Dance: The Charming Romance of Great Crested Grebes
The elaborate mating ritual involves calling, preening, synchronised swimming, and a graceful “waltz” on water as the final act

A Study in Pink: The Flamboyant Flamingos of Kutch
Every monsoon, the sea gushes into Kutch transforming the parched flatland into an oasis, ready to welcome its most flamboyant guests — greater and lesser flamingos

Ramadevarabetta: A Vulture Sanctuary in Rapidly Urbanising Ramanagara
Close to the metropolis of Bangalore, the Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary is a pristine protected space in which people can learn about reptiles, dragonflies, endangered vultures, and all kinds of other birds

Pink City: When Flamingos take over the Little Rann of Kutch
Every monsoon, vast colonies of greater and lesser flamingos descend upon the seasonal wetlands of Gujarat
Photo Story

Lesser Florican: Hope in Rajasthan, but on the Brink in Madhya Pradesh
While lesser floricans are learning to live with farmers in Shokaliya, Rajasthan, their numbers continue to plummet in the central Indian state

Yet Another Question the film Tenet Does Not Answer
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Why Woodpeckers Peck the Largest Trees
According to a study conducted in Uttarakhand, woodpeckers prefer to forage on large trees which offer more food. Removal of large trees could affect their numbers
Wild Vault

Jewels in the Air: Kingfishers of India
Found in diverse habitats from backyards to deep in the Sundarbans, here are cameos of the twelve species of kingfishers found in India
Photo Story

Sandgrouse: Facts, Habitat, and Species Found in India
All you need to know about this inhabitant of arid habitats

Narcondam Hornbills: Gardeners of their Island Eden
These enigmatic seed dispersers have inadvertently modified their island home over the years to suit their needs

Feathered Folklore: Birds and Their Amazing Avatars
From heroic acts to saviours of mankind, birds are important characters in legend, folklore, and mythology
Wild Vault

Common Kingfisher: Facts, Size, Nest, and Call
All you need to know about this beautiful blue-and-orange bird

Montagu’s Harrier: Migration, Habitat, Bird of Prey
All you need to know about the Montagu's harrier, migratory raptors that hunt alone in the grasslands

Western Tragopan: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this attractive and vulnerable pheasant

White-bellied Heron: Facts, Habitat, Population
All you need to know about one of the rarest birds in the world

Accidental Tourist: The Vagrant Long-Billed Dowitcher
Thousands of kilometres from its natural habitat, a lone, unexpected guest becomes a temporary celebrity for the birdwatching community of Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary

Horned Lark: The Crazy Bird and its Crazy Nest
The horned lark cares little for privacy. It builds its nests in open grounds, on compound walls, or even next to busy roads, allowing everyone a glimpse of its private life

MacQueen’s Bustard: Courtship Rituals, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this persecuted bustard

Tricks and Tips from a Record-Setting Cuckoo’s Handbook
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Green Munia: The Gullible Beauty of the Scrub Forest
The green munia is a brightly-coloured bird with a melodious call — unfortunately its beauty is also its curse. It is still illegally trafficked in large numbers despite its declining population

Nest Negotiations: Why Owls Groom Siblings for Food
In a single nest, fights over food among siblings can get intense, but owls have figured out an effective barter system so everyone gets their share

Short-eared Owl: Facts, Call, Habitat, Flight
All you need to know about this hidden winter resident of the grasslands

A Rare View: Dhritiman Mukherjee Photographs the Narcondam Hornbill
In 2013, Dhritiman Mukherjee traveled to the remote island of Narcondam in Andamans and Nicobar, to photograph a bird found nowhere else in the world — the canopy-dwelling Narcondam hornbill. Watch what it is like to photograph from atop a 40-foot tall tree

Wildlife Puzzle: The Demoiselle Cranes of Kheechan
Put together this jigsaw to see Rajasthan's annual visitors

Indian Pitta: A Whistling, Winged Rainbow
The brilliantly-coloured Indian pitta is an eyecatcher — it has adorned magazine and book covers, and inspired local names and tales wherever it has travelled

Behind the Scenes Bloopers of Mughal Paintings
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Songs of Love: Sarus Cranes’ Lifelong Romance
Sarus cranes are sentient beings — they pair for life, feel emotions like humans do, and express love with great tenderness

Western Tragopan: Quest for the Colourful Pheasant
Snippets of a year-long journey to film one of the most attractive and vulnerable pheasants in the world, in the Great Himalayan National Park
Photo Story

Tall, Dark, and Lonesome: The White-bellied Heron’s Last Call for Help
With less than 250 known individuals in the world and fewer than 50 in India, the white-bellied heron is slowly disappearing without a trace

How did the Common Hawk-cuckoo get the Name Brainfever Bird
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Narcondam Hornbills: Birds in Exile
There are just about 1,000 Narcondam hornbills on the planet — and they all live on a tiny island, less than seven square kilometres in size
Photo Story

Keep Calm and Carrion: The Great Vulture Gathering in Jorbeed, Rajasthan
On the outskirts of Bikaner, an animal carcass dumping ground is now a “paradise of raptors”, particularly vultures, the stewards of meat waste
Photo Story

Painted Storks: The Winged Daughters of Kokkarebellur
Every year, for about six months, the village of Kokkarebellur is taken over by painted storks. Locals believe the loud and beautiful visitors are like their own children

Swoop, Soar, Screech: Owls on the Prowl Across India
Owls inhabit nearly every kind of landscape in India. Learn to identify some of the 30 different species found in the country
Photo Story

Wildlife Puzzle: The Hornbill and its One Great Love
Put together this jigsaw to see a courting pair of great hornbills

Indian Skimmer: The Flame-billed Hunter of the Coast
Along the coast of Godavari, as the tide recedes, a bird with a flame-coloured scissor-like bill, scans the waters for prey. Meet the Indian skimmer

Malabar Pied Hornbill: In Tuxedos for the Fruit Party
Usually in groups of ten these hornbills are sometimes seen in flocks of 100 or more in slightly open forests with plenty of fruit trees

When a Spoonbill Gets in the Mood for Love
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Indian Skimmer: Facts, Habitat, Diet
All you need to know about this hunter on the shore

Painted Stork: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this brightly-coloured wader

Lessons in Citizen Science and Community Stewardship in Latpanchar
Creating a safe haven for the rufous-necked hornbill and its habitat has brought socio-economic rewards to this little hamlet in West Bengal

Demoiselle Cranes: High-Flying Damsels
With deep orange eyes, long, luscious neck feathers, and slender legs, the demoiselle crane looks like it is dressed for an elegant party

Nest Protectors Hope to Secure the Indian Skimmer’s Future
In an upcoming initiative, researchers, forest departments and locals have come together to implement a community conservation programme to protect the vulnerable Indian skimmer

Least Concerned for the Black-necked Crane
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Garnering Community Support for the Great Indian Bustard
A wildlife biologist couple spearhead an effort to involve the local community in conserving Rajasthan’s state bird, the Godawan

White-naped Tit: Whistler in the Bush
Partial to thorny scrub forests in the western and southern parts of the country, this rare bird is slowly losing its preferred habitat

Guest List of Thousands: Demoiselle Cranes in Kheechan
Kheechan in Rajasthan has a fifty-year-long tradition of welcoming and feeding thousands of migratory demoiselle cranes from Eurasia, as they winter in the south

The Private Lives of Kingfishers in My Urban Garden
Watching a white-throated kingfisher family breed and grow in an urban garden in Chennai
Urban Jungle

No Laughing Matter: Nilgiri Laughingthrush and its Habitats at Risk
Named after the Nilgiri mountain range, the Nilgiri laughingthrush was once a common sight across the extensive shola forests of the Western Ghats. Today, perhaps, less than 2OOO individuals survive

Demoiselle Crane: Facts, Diet, Flight
All you need to know about this elegant migratory bird

When Women Take Charge: The Grassroots Story of Pramila Bisoyi
Newly-elected Member of Parliament from Odisha, Pramila Bisoyi, is known for her grassroots conservation efforts, particularly protection of the peacocks around Pakidi hills

Building Nests to Save Delhi’s Sparrows
The house sparrow has been steadily disappearing from the capital, but Rakesh Khatri’s Eco-Roots Foundation is determined to change that. He raises awareness in neighbourhoods, and has built and placed about 1,OO,OOO nests and birdhouses to help them nest and roost in
Urban Jungle

Vultures: Scavengers of the Sky at Risk
Vultures are cleaners of our eco-system. Without them unattended carcasses would rot, pollute groundwater and spread diseases. But since the early 9Os, their populations have been plummeting. Are we doing enough to protect them?

Balcony Birding: Birds are Ruling the Roost this Lockdown
The stay-at-home directives are allowing people the chance to explore the urban biodiversity in their own backyard
Urban Jungle

The Mangrove Pitta: A Blue Streak in the Mud
Found only in mangrove habitats, the striking mangrove pitta is one India’s most beautiful and underappreciated birds

White-Browed Bushchat: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this enigmatic desert dancer

Quiz: Do you know your Friendly Neighbourhood Birds?
Play this quiz and find out how many daily winged visitors you can identify

Greater Hoopoe-Lark: Facts, Call, Habitat
All you need to know about this trickster of the desert

Cheer Pheasant Clears the Air on Uttarakhand Fires
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Five Stars for All! Terek Sandpiper Reviews Food
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Great Indian Bustard: Love in the Time of Habitat Loss
They may be critically endangered, but courtship rituals during breeding season are as flamboyant as ever
Photo Story

Great Indian Bustard’s Life on the Edge
Royalty of grasslands and scrublands, the majestic great Indian Bustard once flew across 11 states of the country. But today, fewer than 15O survive in the wild, with Rajasthan being one of its last bastions

The Dilemmas of Loving and Letting Wild Creatures Go
How do we reconcile with what is in the best interest of wild animals when our heartstrings are attached?

Excuse me! There’s Botulism in the Sambhar
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

The Courtship Dance of the Western Parotia
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Vulture Population in Bundelkhand Increases by 103 Per Cent in a Decade
According to NGO Indian Biodiversity Conservation Society, vulture numbers rose from 1,313 in 2009 to 2,673 in 2019

Indian Vulture: Facts, Population, Threats
All you need to know about this critically endangered raptor

Painted Sandgrouse: The Art of Blending In
With its black, white, and brown plumage the painted sandgrouse is well camouflaged in the rocky landscapes of the Saswad grasslands near Pune

Allahrakha Khan: The Living Legend of Velavadar’s Last Grassland
More than 2OO years ago, his forefathers first started protecting the Velavadar grasslands. Over the course of his life, he has not only continued their legacy, but also turned into an unlikely guardian of the park’s endangered, sprightly, lesser florican

Bugun and a Forest of Hope
In the dense forests of western Arunachal Pradesh, lives a rare, critically endangered bird that brought a community and its forests together. Meet the Bugun liocichla and the people that help secure its home

Hunters of the Thar: Raptors in Desert National Park
Beyond Jaisalmer in Rajasthan, only the most resilient raptors survive the surreal desert landscape
Photo Story

The Reed Warbler’s Pole Dancing Classes
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Painted Storks: Colouring the Coringa Wetlands
Though fairly large, painted storks are graceful and elegant birds that prefer shallow wetlands and marshes and nest in large colonies

Unfair Game: The Plight of the MacQueen’s Bustard
This worldwide population of this little-known bustard has been severely harmed by its use as live bait in an illegal hunting sport

Bearded Vulture: Facts, Diet, IUCN Status
Everything you need to know about this bone-swallowing raptor

Sarus Crane: Facts, Height, Dance
Everything you need to know about the tallest flying bird in the world

When Common Birds are No Longer Common
According to a recent report, birds in India are seeing a steep decline. Several critically endangered ones are not doing so well. But surprisingly, the more commons birds that were once widely found, are seeing a sharp drop too
Wild Vault

Avian Windfall at Todgarh-Raoli and Kumbhalgarh
Two underexplored sanctuaries in Rajasthan reveal over 12O bird species over four days, proving they have great potential to be developed as birding destinations

The Guide: Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary
While the migratory birds in winter are the biggest attraction, the lake is home to nearly 25O avian species

The Flamboyance of Maximum City at Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary
A short hop from Mumbai this sanctuary is a mix of grassland, scrub, woodland, and mangroves with a wide variety of resident and migratory birds

A Tux and a Dance: A Day in the Life of the Common Coot
Coots are known to be quarrelsome, but outside the breeding season, they are also graceful creatures that will glide through waterbodies effortlessly in coordinated flocks

Spotted Creeper in the Khejri Tree
With a melodious call, the rare Indian spotted creeper makes an appearance on a misty morning in the Tal Chhapar Wildlife Sanctuary

Black-necked Stork in the Eye of the Marsh
Tracking the black-necked stork over decades, it becomes apparent that this grand bird is territorial, needs a lot space, and resides only in large healthy marshland

A Lifetime of Love: The Romance of the Sarus Cranes
Sarus cranes mate for life, but they also express deep feelings of love, attachment, tenderness, anxiety, distress, and other emotions we associate with the human experience

Flight of the Amur Falcons: Migration, Conservation, and Great Resilience
Every year, hundreds of thousands of Amur falcons congregate at the Doyang Reservoir in Nagaland, on their epic annual migration from East Siberia to southern Africa.
Photo Story

Bringing a Forest Back from the Brink
Researcher-illustrator duo Nandini Velho and Anjora Noronha explore how community attitudes towards logging have changed in Arunachal Pradesh's Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, thanks to nature-based tourism

Montagu’s Harrier: Prowlers on the Grassland
Following the migratory path of locusts and grasshoppers, Montagu’s harriers were once one of the most common harriers to winter on the Indian subcontinent. This is less and less so as their favourite grassland habitats diminish

Black-necked Crane: Facts, Diet, Migration
Everything you need to know about this graceful, winged visitor

Tso Kar: A White Lake that Welcomes Birds
Tso Kar is not picture-perfect blue. It is a saline lake with brackish waters. The lake welcomes birds that migrate long distances, in difficult climates, to feed, spend winters and raise their young ones, including the black-necked crane

Birds of Many Feathers in the Mangroves of Coringa
In the birdwatcher’s paradise of Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary, the avifauna enjoy a symbiotic relationship with the mangroves and surrounding communities

Pussyfooting Parliamentarians: Short-eared Owls in the Little Rann
A communal roosting site of this ground dwelling owl in the Little Rann of Kachchh demonstrates the aptness of some collective nouns

Asian Elephant, Great Indian Bustard and Bengal Florican to Receive Cross-Border Protections
The ongoing United Nation's COP13 convention accepted India’s proposal for their inclusion in Appendix 1 according these migratory species the highest levels of protection

Citizen Science Data and the State of India’s Birds
A February 2O2O report, using data contributed by thousands of birders from across India, assesses the state of 867 species of birds found in India. The finding is that our birds are in overall decline

Pallikaranai Marshland: An Urban Wetland on the Brink
Besides hosting over 5,OOO resident birds, Chennai’s Pallikaranai marshland is a stopover point for over 4O,OOO migratory birds. It desperately needs to be saved from encroaching toxic waste
Urban Jungle

Bar-headed Goose: Facts, Habitat, Migration
All you need to know about the highest migratory bird in the world

Amur Falcon: Facts, Migration, Conservation
All you need to know about this passing migrant of the Northeast

Montagu’s Harriers: The Slender Hawks of Velavadar
Every year, thousands of harriers from Central Asia visit Gujarat to feast on the abundance that the grasslands of Velavadar Blackbuck National Park offer

The Sandgrouse has a Trick up its Belly
The sandgrouse has a smart hack to survive in difficult dry and arid habitats – it carries water in its belly feathers

Short-eared Owl: Hidden Winter Resident of the Grasslands
The short-eared owl breaks common owl stereotypes — it migrates across continents, flaps its wings like a moth, and is active in the daytime

A Lost River and the Wetland Paradise of Hoskote Lake
Bengaluru’s Hoskote Lake and its surrounding marshlands host a wide variety of bird life and provide the city with a vital carbon dioxide sink. Efforts are on to revive the river system that once fed this vibrant water body.
Urban Jungle

Why Rann When you can fly: The Bar-headed Geese of Gujarat
Every winter, flocks of these migratory geese make their way from Central Asia to the Indian peninsula

Dance of the Black-necked Cranes in Ladakh
Every year, flocks of black-necked cranes descend upon the Changthang Plateau to breed, nest, and look after their young
Photo Story

Nymphs, Love Spells, and the Eurasian Wryneck
When this free-spirited bird visits the outskirts of Kolkata it brings more than a little cheer

Myths, Folklore and the Blood Pheasant of Kanchenjunga
In ‘Wild Himalaya’, author Stephen Alter weaves folklore with flora and fauna to tell stories of the greatest mountain range on Earth

In the Heart of Suburban Mumbai, an Oasis for Birds and Birders
Despite the concrete jungle around, Lokhandwala Lake in Mumbai’s crowded Andheri suburb hosts a healthy diversity of avian species
Urban Jungle

The Amur Falcon and the Mysteries of Bird Migration
Every year, tens of thousands of Amur falcons descend upon Nagaland, creating a natural history spectacle that is both rare and riveting

The Great Hornbill Uploads a New Display Photo
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

But first, coffee!
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Cut that Call: Ethics and Misuse of Artificial Birdcalls
Is a bird in hand really better than two in the bush? Understanding the impact of our actions while birdwatching is an essential part of being an eco-tourist

Cubbon Park: The Lungs of Central Bengaluru
In the heart of this bustling city, Cubbon Park is an oasis of biodiversity that provides citizens a respite and a place to unwind
Urban Jungle

Greater Adjutant Stork: Size, Habitat, and Diet
Everything you need to know about the scavenging bird with a military gait

Great Indian Bustard: Facts, Habitat, and Protection Status
Everything you need to know about this critically endangered bird of the grasslands

How the Bugun Liocichla is Keeping an Indigenous Culture in the Northeast Alive
Tales of culture and conservation, from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh

On a Wing: Dhanauri Wetland, a Birdwatcher’s Wonderland
Majestic birds, reptiles, and even some mammals inhabit this thriving ecosystem, just a short hop from anywhere in the national capital
Urban Jungle

Is the Lesser Florican Jumping to Extinction?
The smallest member of the bustard family faces a peculiar conundrum: breed or be safe?

Out of Sight: The Rann, Thar, and the Great Indian Bustard
Inhabitant of the grasslands of western India, this critically endangered species needs all the help it can get to bring it back from the brink of extinction

Amazing Grace: The Dancing Black-necked Cranes of Ladakh
Tall and stately, black-necked cranes are short-term migrants in Ladakh, yet their elegance has inspired myths, folk dances, art, research and wildlife expeditions

Home Alone: Nesting Curiosities of the Great Hornbill
For three months every year, female great hornbills stay sealed in a hole, with only a crack to receive food from their mate
Photo Story

Masters of Disguise: Indian Nightjar
Merging seamlessly into its surroundings, the Indian nightjar rests and nests on the ground, camouflaged against the rocks, soil, and leaf litter
Wild Vault

A Reluctant Birder’s Guide to Birdwatching
The author hated birding for as long as she could remember, until she realised she doesn’t have to do it the way everyone else does
Urban Jungle

When Doves Ruffle Some Feathers
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Brooding over the Black-Necked Crane
Encounters and observations of the splendid black-necked cranes at high altitude wetlands

Trash is on the Menu for the Critically Endangered Greater Adjutant
Guwahati needs to address the larger issue of waste management if this carrion-feeding bird species is to have a future

High Flier: Bar-headed Goose Over the Himalayas
These remarkable birds undertake one of the most extraordinary migration journeys of the avian world

A Starburst of Colour and the Quest for a Nest
In a polluted, concrete and plastic-ridden city, a resilient sunbird couple builds and rebuilds their home

Hornbills of India: Encounters to Remember
India has nine enigmatic species of hornbills, spotting even a couple in their dense forest habitats is a memory to behold

The Soaring Raptor of the Changthang Skies
The handsome upland buzzard is Ladakh’s resident breeder that nests on sharp, sheer ledges of steep rocky cliffs

Rufous-bellied Woodpecker: A (W)holesome Guide
This sap sucking woodpecker creates multiple sap holes in trees, providing a food resource to other creatures of the forest

Black-breasted Parrotbill: Facts, Habitat, Threats
Everything you need to know about this elusive bird from the grasslands

The Trickster of the Desert: Greater Hoopoe Lark
The greater hoopoe lark is clever. When it sees a predator, it fake falls and pretends to be an injured, easy prey, to distract the hunter from its nest

White-browed Bushchat: The Enigmatic Desert Dancer
Little is known about this elusive bird, including why it occasionally puffs its white breast feathers and sways gracefully from side to side, as if to an imagined melody

Listen! The Forest Has Something to Say
Inspired by true stories around India, ‘People and Wildlife’ talks about the deep bonds that some communities share with the natural world around them

Bearded Vulture: The Marrow-Minded Raptor
This bird of prey cracks bones by dropping them from a height on sharp, rocky cliffs so it can feed on the soft, juicy marrow inside

City Slickers: The Large Grey Babblers of Delhi
Tales of adaptation in the scrublands of the capital city
Urban Jungle

Malabar Grey Hornbills: Gardeners of the Rainforest
The Malabar grey hornbill is endemic to and emblematic of the rainforests of the Western Ghats, which often resonate with their calls and cackles

The Grotesque Elegance of the Greater Adjutant
The cleaners at the Boragaon garbage dump near Guwahati, get some help from an unlikely crew member, the greater adjutant

Tall, Dark and Handsome: The Greater Adjutant
A brief history of the decline of this enormous, endangered bird and the community-driven initiatives that have given it a new lease of life

Restoring the Rainforest around Pakke, One Tree at a Time
A drive to revive degraded patches of hornbill habitat around Pakke Tiger Reserve aims to give hornbills more nesting trees and food plants, that benefit other species too

The Common Tailorbird Stitches its Magic
In urban gardens, the petite tailorbird can be found using its fine beak and innate skills to sow leaves together to build a cradle-like nest

In my Backyard: The Oriental Honey-buzzard
Spotting the crested or oriental honey-buzzard, whose favourite foods is bee and wasp larvae and nests

A Lesson in Love: The Great Hornbill Charms a Mate
Wooing a female hornbill can take days, even weeks. After all, it's a big decision. Great hornbills are monogamous and even mate for life

Great Hornbill: Facts, Threats, Habitat
Everything you need to know about these feathered farmers of the forest

Who Needs Ikea?
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

The Guest in My Paddy Field: The Return of the Sarus Crane
The population of the sarus crane has registered a growth in Uttar Pradesh, thanks to the efforts of local communities, state government and non-profit organisations

Black-necked Stork: Facts, Threats, Habitat
All you need to know about this handsome, long-legged resident of freshwater marshes

The Mysteries of Attraction
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

A Man, a Myth, and the Greater Adjutant in Bihar
Under the leadership of a bird enthusiast, a village in Bihar has come together to protect the nests and restore the future of the endangered greater adjutant

The Dramatic Tale of the Greater Adjutant
This huge bird has a connection to Kolkata that dates back to the 188Os and persists to this day
Photo Story

Flight of the Magnificent Hornbills
Two decades of research on hornbills and working with local communities to protect these gorgeous birds and their habitat

Abbott’s Babbler: Brown Daub on the Green Canvas
Even a lucky birder will only see this elusive babbler for a brief moment, before it dives back into the bush

The Greater Adjutant’s All-Woman Army
The greater adjutant has been called many things — ugly, filthy, a bone-swallowing bad omen — until Purnima Devi Barman, and her army of 2OO women, decided to adopt the endangered bird

Antics and Ambush of the Greater Racket-Tailed Drongo
This pretty bird can be quite the aggressor, and is quick to pounce on and grab at food sourced by other birds

Ruskin Bond’s Search for Wilderness in Delhi
It is easier to spot birds in dusty cities than deep, dense forests, writes the author in Friends in Wild Places

Conspiracy Theory: Ravens Make us Rethink What Counts as Intelligence
Regarded as a bad omen in some cultures, ravens are well loved in others. One thing’s for sure though, they are truly fascinating creatures
Wild Vault

Migratory Birds: How Far Do They Travel?
Why do birds migrate, and how do they do it?

How the Bengal Florican Charms Its Mate
The Bengal florican is a romantic at heart. Its courtship ritual is part pageant and part dance-off
Photo Story

The Owlet Who Craved the Sun
This fascinating Odia tale is from Animalia Indica, edited by Sumana Roy, which is a collection of the finest fiction short stories centred around animals

What Brand of Detergent?
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Bengal Florican: Erstwhile King of the Grasslands
Once admired for its regal appearance and capricious aerial displays, unfortunately the Bengal florican is better known today for its critically endangered status

The Teeming Wildlife of a Garbage Dump
In The Wild Heart of India, biologist and writer TR Shankar Raman points out that what we consider wild is not just found in faraway forests, but also in our backyards, or even in a stinking dumping ground on the fringes of a city

An Illustrated Guide to the Daily Lives of Birds
How does the Bengal florican woo its mate? Does the black kite like fast food? Artist Rohan Chakravarty’s graphic novel 'Bird Business' is an insight into the fascinating behaviour of birds

Rare Black-breasted Parrotbills Hide in the Grasslands
This elusive little bird, found exclusively in Northeast India, is on every birdwatcher’s wish list

Kokkare Bellur: The Blessed Bird Village of Karnataka
In A Tigress Called Machhli, Supriya Sehgal shares fascinating stories of various animals that inhabit our forests, cities, and backyards — including a curious tale of a village in Karnataka that is taken over by cackling storks

Hunter on the Beel: The Grey-headed Fish Eagle
This majestic fish-eating raptor is easily spotted near the abundant waterbodies of Kaziranga National Park

A Wild Life: Rauf Ali’s Forest Adventures
Following leatherback sea turtles, tree shrews, and crab-eating macaques — in Running Away From Elephants readers get a rare glimpse into celebrated wildlife biologist Rauf Ali’s wild adventures

Knock on Wood: The Pygmy Woodpecker Makes an Appearance
Dead and rotting wood are buffet zones for birds like the grey-capped pygmy woodpecker

Black-necked Stork: Silent Resident of the Marshes
This red-legged, freshwater wading bird is large and lovely, and thrives during a good monsoon

When Flamingos Frolic and Feed in the Talawe Wetlands
Hundreds of migrating flamingos and other wildlife can be seen just a stone’s throw away from a bustling Navi Mumbai residential complex
Urban Jungle

Moving to a New City
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Born with a Silver Spoon
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

You Got Curves, She Got Curves
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Time for a Role Reversal
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

You’re Creepy and I Love You
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

This Bird is a Diva
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

The Sea is Greener on the Other Side
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

The Perks of Body Fat
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Edwin Joseph, The Sparrow Whisperer
Bengaluru’s Sparrow Man is passionate about saving the little birds from extinction