Other Marine Habitats
7 Results

Friends in Low Places: Connecting with the Ocean
If we can build a healthy curiosity and sense of wonder about the ocean, we’ve taken the critical first step to further its conservation

Galathea Bay: Will the World's Largest Sea Turtle Return to Nest in India?
Isolated from the mainland, the world’s largest turtles, the leatherbacks have nested along Galathea bay's pristine coast for millions of years. However, in January 2021 the protected status of the sanctuary was canceled for the construction of a transshipment port. If the development of the port goes through, will the turtles return?

Gutsy Gulls: Trick or Treating on the Water
Seagulls employ various strategies to secure a meal. From intelligent fishing to scavenging and outright theft, their schemes succeed at times and fail comically at other points
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Written in the Stars: A Night with the Leatherback Turtle
When the sun sets along Great Nicobar’s Galathea coast, the world’s largest turtle emerges from the waters to build a nest on its silver shore
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Cleaning Symbiosis: Underwater Hygiene with the Ocean’s Favourite Cleaning Experts
Cleaner wrasses and cleaner shrimps feed on parasites for a living. This, in turn, helps animals that want parasites removed from their bodies, and results in a healthier ecosystem
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Stranger than Fiction: The Inscrutable Mind of the Genius Octopus
An octopus is a crafty shape shifter. In the blink of an eye, it can change colour, texture, pattern, and shape to blend in with its surroundings

Under Cover: Ecosystems in the Sand
An astonishing array of plants and animals build their castles in the sand. Take a slow dive into this fascinating world of predators, prey, and unique partnerships.