Indian Swiftlet: Facts, Diet, Habitat

Infographic Published : Oct 17, 2023 Updated : May 24, 2024
All you need to know about this medium-sized swift with a shallow forked tail
All you need to know about this medium-sized swift with a shallow forked tail

What does the Indian swiftlet look like?

A medium-sized swift, the Indian swiftlet is charecterised by dark brown upperparts and a contrasting paler underside. They also have pale brown rump and a mildly forked tail.

Where is the Indian swiftlet found?

In India, the Indian swiftlet occurs in southwestern Maharashtra, Goa, Western Ghats regions of Karnataka, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu. They are also found in Sri Lanka. They prefer rocky hills and mountainsides (with suitable caves) in a variety of habitats ranging from lowlands to montane forests. Also found on rocky, offshore islands off the west coast and recorded from railway tunnels.

What are the threats faced by the Indian swiftlet?

The nests of the Indian swiftlet are considered a delicacy in some parts and made into bird’s nest soup. Nest harvesting threatens the population of these birds.

About the contributors

Nisarg Prakash

Nisarg Prakash

is a wildlife biologist working with RoundGlass Sustain. A large part of my work before Sustain has been along streams and rivers, in the process trying to understand otters better.
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Diviya Mehra

Diviya Mehra

is a graphic designer. She was the former art director of National Geographic Traveller. Her love for animals, travel and design has shaped her career through the years.
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