6 Results

The Skin of Many Colours: Morphs of the Malabar Pit Viper
Why it’s not easy to identify this snake species and the mystery of its diverse and changing colours
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Malabar Pit Viper: Facts, Venom, Size
All you need to know about this stealthy, silent predator of the night

Silent Knight: How the Malabar Pit Viper Hunts in the Dark
The Malabar pit viper is a study in stillness. It remains motionless, waiting for its prey for hours, even days. But when the time is right, it strikes with lightning speed

Wardens of Venom: The Exquisite Vipers of South India
Tipping the scales in favour of some of India’s most misunderstood reptiles
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Malabar Pit Viper: Ambush in the Well of Life and Death
Occurring in an array of different colours, the nocturnal Malabar pit viper is a keen hunter that is endemic to the rainforests of the Western Ghats

Secret Serpent: The Life and Times of the Malabar Pit Viper
Though it is the most common and widespread of pit vipers in south India, the Malabar pit viper is only seen in the wet season, disappearing mysteriously in dry weather