5 Results

Narcondam Hornbill: Tale of a Rescue
Memories of a chance encounter with the endemic Narcondam hornbill in a dense forest of an isolated tropical island in the southern Bay of Bengal
Wild Vault

Narcondam Hornbill: Facts, Habitat, and Call
All you need to know about these enigmatic seed dispersers

Narcondam Hornbills: Gardeners of their Island Eden
These enigmatic seed dispersers have inadvertently modified their island home over the years to suit their needs

A Rare View: Dhritiman Mukherjee Photographs the Narcondam Hornbill
In 2013, Dhritiman Mukherjee traveled to the remote island of Narcondam in Andamans and Nicobar, to photograph a bird found nowhere else in the world — the canopy-dwelling Narcondam hornbill. Watch what it is like to photograph from atop a 40-foot tall tree

Narcondam Hornbills: Birds in Exile
There are just about 1,000 Narcondam hornbills on the planet — and they all live on a tiny island, less than seven square kilometres in size
Photo Story