5 Results

The Western Hoolock Gibbon: Facts, Habitat, Threats
The western hoolock gibbon is a subspecies of the only non-human ape in India, the hoolock gibbon

Monkeys Vs Apes
Did you know that an ape is not a monkey?

Hoolock Gibbons: Return of the Apes of Northeast India
Multilevel action plans that closely involve and benefit local communities are the only way forward to save the endangered gibbons of India

The Western Hoolock Gibbon Sings and Swings Along the Forest Canopies
The western hoolock gibbon is most commonly recognised by its song. From the heights of the forest canopy, the western hoolock gibbon produces a loud, elaborate song, that often ends in a spectacular crescendo

Sultans of Swing: Hoolock Gibbons Rule the Canopy
This tiny graceful ape, hangs on to one of the last protected bastions of its native habitat