29 Results

A Walk Across Tiger Country In Search Of India’s National Butterfly
An early monsoon walk through Arunachal Pradesh’s Pakke Tiger Reserve looking for the orange oakleaf butterfly reveal a captivating wealth of creatures and habitats

Spirited Away: In Search of the Deo Haanh
The white-winged wood duck is so rarely seen that it has inspired several folktales in Assam’s swamp forests. Locals, who hear its ghostly call after dark, call it deo haanh or spirit duck. When filmmaker Jayshree Borgohain went looking for it, her search turned part-exploratory, part-spiritual.
Will the forest spirits guide her quest?

The Manas Story: From Hunters to Protectors
In the 1980s, political unrest ravaged Assam's Manas National Park. But in the 2000s, local youth, the forest department, and the new government united to restore it. Today, Manas is a UNESCO World Heritage site and biodiversity hotspot.

Camera-trap Study of Five Small Wild Cats Planned in Dehing-Patkai
The forest department is initiating a camera-trap study to assess populations and occupancy of five species of small wild cats in the national park, the first such study since 2010

The Endangered Bengal Florican and Koklabari's Fields of Hope
Every monsoon, the critically endangered Bengal florican leaves the protected grasslands of Manas National Park to move into the adjacent human-dominated agricultural farms of Koklabari. Why does it make this unlikely move?

Canopy Bridge Comes to Gibbons’ Rescue
Tree-planting efforts initiated in 2006 to reunite the apes separated by a railway line in Hoollongapar bear fruit

Going with the Flow: Tale of the Golden Mahseer
These large, energetic fish live in deep stretches of rivers and mountain pools in the Himalayas, but twice a year they swim upstream to breed at higher altitudes
Photo Story

The Orchestra of a Forest Island
Assam's Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary is home to many creatures small and large, including the hoolock gibbon whose melodious song leads this forest's enchanting orchestra. However, steady destruction of the habitat is threatening to drown out the music

The Great Hornbill Uploads a New Display Photo
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Greater Adjutant Stork: Size, Habitat, and Diet
Everything you need to know about the scavenging bird with a military gait

Home Alone: Nesting Curiosities of the Great Hornbill
For three months every year, female great hornbills stay sealed in a hole, with only a crack to receive food from their mate
Photo Story

Living With Elephants
In the last few decades, Assam has turned into the epicentre of human-elephant conflict, with deaths and severe damages on both sides. But not all hope is lost

In a Tight Corner: The Dwindling Elephant Herds of Assam
Massive habitat loss has pushed the elephants of Assam into fierce competition with humans over ever-shrinking resources

Black-breasted Parrotbill: Facts, Habitat, Threats
Everything you need to know about this elusive bird from the grasslands

Wild Water Buffalo: Facts, Threats, Diet
Everything you need to know about one of the oldest species of buffalo in the world

Meet the Pygmy Hog, the Rarest Pig in the World
How conservationists brought the pygmy hog back from the brink of extinction

The Smallest Pigs In the World Have the Best Homemaking Tips
Pygmy hogs make sophisticated nests in the ground, amidst tall, thick grasses. Nest building is a carefully engineered group effort that shelters them and protects them from predators

Stag Party: The Eastern Swamp Deer’s Bachelor Life
As the eastern swamp deer grow older, they form bachelor groups of about 1O to 15 individuals. The stag code is simple — hang out and graze to your heart's content

Tall, Dark and Handsome: The Greater Adjutant
A brief history of the decline of this enormous, endangered bird and the community-driven initiatives that have given it a new lease of life

Restoring the Rainforest around Pakke, One Tree at a Time
A drive to revive degraded patches of hornbill habitat around Pakke Tiger Reserve aims to give hornbills more nesting trees and food plants, that benefit other species too

The Grand Old Buffaloes of the Savannah Need Protection
A small and highly fragmented population of wild water buffalo struggles for survival. Long-term conservation actions are needed for their preservation

How Kaziranga National Park is Reborn, Every Year
The Brahmaputra river forms the northern boundary of Kaziranga National Park. Every monsoon, the river surges and floods nearly two-thirds of the forest, restoring and destroying all at once

Stump-tailed Macaques: The Forest Walkers of Hollongapar
The stump-tailed macaques spend most of their day walking across the dense rainforest floors of Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary. They only return to trees to search for food, or sleep. But foraging the forest floor makes them vulnerable to leopards and other predators. To save themselves, they hurriedly, stuff food in their expandable cheek pouches. If danger approaches, they quickly escape with the loot.

The Monkey with a Beanie: The Capped Langurs of Hollongapar
Destruction of forests is putting this primate’s future at risk. In the last three decades, their population has seen a 3O per cent decline

Flight of the Magnificent Hornbills
Two decades of research on hornbills and working with local communities to protect these gorgeous birds and their habitat

The Teeming Wildlife of a Garbage Dump
In The Wild Heart of India, biologist and writer TR Shankar Raman points out that what we consider wild is not just found in faraway forests, but also in our backyards, or even in a stinking dumping ground on the fringes of a city

The Stump-tailed Macaques of Hollongapar
On the scent of elusive primates in the forests of Assam’s Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary

Spotting a Mighty Troop of Stump-tailed Macaques
Lack of competing primates and the absence of indiscriminate hunting has allowed the stump-tailed macaque population to thrive in the forests of Hollongapar

Catch a Spot of Iridescence When a Gaudy Baron Flits By
Amidst the whoops and calls of apes, the beatific gaudy baron butterfly is the perfect distraction