4 Results

The Inner Workings of Resilience in the Sundarbans
A journey through the circuitous paths of the Indian Sundarbans reveals the struggles of communities on the frontline of climate change and human-wildlife conflict

Risk, Ritual, and Survival: The Honey Gatherers of the Sundarbans
Moulis, the local honey gatherers, wade through marsh and murky water to gather honey from the mangrove forests of the Sundarbans, but not before they have sought the blessings of the jungle deity
Photo Story

A Forest of Folklore: Myths, Gods, and the Many Faces of the Tiger
How culture, traditions and gods of the Sundarbans are inseparable and intertwined with the forest and its most charismatic creature the swamp tiger
Wild Vault

In the Sundarbans, the Bengal Tiger is Always Watching You
Encounters with the tiger in the riverine, mangrove forests of the Sundarbans highlights its many roles — as flagship species, apex predator, photographer’s muse, fisherman’s nightmare, ghost, fictive kin, and god