10 Results

Indian Grey Mongoose: Facts, Diet, Threats
All you need to know about this small carnivore

Jungle Cat: Facts, Habitat, Diet
All you need to know about this solitary hunter

Quiz: Small Carnivores
Small carnivores play an important role in the regulation of ecosystems. Take this quiz and find out how many of these little-known predators you know!

Tibetan Sand Fox: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about this specialised carnivore

Going to the Dogs? Turning the Page for India’s Endangered Dhole
As efficient carnivores built to thrive at the top of the food chain, the Asiatic wild dog is a pack hunter that can bring down prey many times its size. Unfortunately, it also has a long history of targeted persecution in India

Five Chandrapur Tigers Make a Thermal Power Station their Home
The striped cats have been roaming freely in the power station since the past four to five years, and frequenting nearby residential areas
Wild Vault

Scavenger Hunt: Hail the Clean-up Crew
By consuming decaying matter, creatures that scavenge play an important role in the ecosystem. They keep the environment clean, contain disease, and help recycle nutrients
Wild Vault

Fighting a Race Against Extinction: India’s Only Pitcher Plant
Mining, shifting cultivation, and excessive collection threaten Nepenthes khasiana, an insect-eating plant found predominantly in Meghalaya

Spotted! A Leopard on the Prowl
Without timely conservation measures, the enigmatic <em>Panthera pardus</em> might end up in greater conflict with humans

Himalayan Brown Bear: Facts, Weight, and Population
Everything you need to know about the grizzly bear from the snow mountains