coral reef
8 Results

Angelfish: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about these brilliantly coloured tropical coral reef fish

Butterflyfish in a Coral Garden
In warm, tropical seas, these brightly coloured and intricately patterned fish are well adapted to eat coral and to defend themselves against predators

Swimming Amongst Fossils: What Sponges Tell Us About the World
These ancient animals have been an essential part of healthy reef ecosystems for millions of years

Beauty or Beast? The Lionfish Conundrum
Lionfish leave some spellbound while others loathe them. A brief story of these expert ambush predators that have spread from their native homes in the Indo-Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, creating a lionfish invasion crisis

Bright and Bristly: Christmas Tree Worms and Their Festive Whorls
These fascinating marine creatures with spiralling plumes gently waving with the ocean’s currents live exclusively within the protection of calcareous tubes they build in corals

Blennies: Facts, Lifespan, and Life on the Coral Reefs
Meet one of the cutest fish on the coral reef

Life of Corals: Witnessing an Ecosystem in Collapse
As oceans warm up the symbiotic relationship between corals and microscopic algae breaks down. Corals get bleached, making them susceptible to disease and eventually leading to the death of reef ecosystems

Life of Corals: The Reef Assembly
Within the magical world of coral reefs is an unimaginable marine diversity dense with life forms, and interwoven with unique symbiotic relationships and partnerships between critters