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24 Results

Dashing Damselflies: Aerialists in an Arthropod Circus
In the fascinating world of damselflies, discover elaborate courtship displays, accessory genitalia, cannibalism, and even a unique lock-and-key mechanism that prevents cross-mating among related species

Disco Dance, Male Sunbird Style
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Friendly Neighbours: Lesser Florican and the Farmers of Shokaliya
There are less than 340 lesser florican males on Earth and experts believe that the number of females is even smaller, but the smallest bustard species in India is trying to beat the odds with a little help from the farmers of Shokaliya, a village in Rajasthan's Ajmer district.

My Wild Valentine
Which courtship ritual from the wild world has intrigued you?

Eat, Prey, Love: Lake-side Romance of a Common Kingfisher
The spring has finally arrived in Bharatpur — the perfect weather for the common kingfisher to look for a mate. But winning a female’s heart is not easy. Will a freshly-caught, fishy treat do the trick?

How to Charm a Garden Lizard
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

How Peacock Won a Peahen Over With the Perfect Pun
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Bollywood and the Bad Romance of Water Striders
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Waltz on Water: Courtship of the Great Crested Grebe
Mainly winter migrants to India, these diving waterbirds have a mating ritual that involves dancing while holding weeds. Here is a rare glimpse into their lives and synchronised moves
Photo Story

Frabjous Flamingos: Haughty Ballerinas of the Wetlands
Tall, boisterous, and dressed in a ballerina’s pink tutu, the flamingo looks like it stepped out of a whimsical Lewis Caroll fantasy

Love at First Dance: The Charming Romance of Great Crested Grebes
The elaborate mating ritual involves calling, preening, synchronised swimming, and a graceful “waltz” on water as the final act

MacQueen’s Bustard: Courtship Rituals, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this persecuted bustard

Songs of Love: Sarus Cranes’ Lifelong Romance
Sarus cranes are sentient beings — they pair for life, feel emotions like humans do, and express love with great tenderness

When a Spoonbill Gets in the Mood for Love
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Demoiselle Crane: Facts, Diet, Flight
All you need to know about this elegant migratory bird

The Courtship Dance of the Western Parotia
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Sarus Crane: Facts, Height, Dance
Everything you need to know about the tallest flying bird in the world

A Lifetime of Love: The Romance of the Sarus Cranes
Sarus cranes mate for life, but they also express deep feelings of love, attachment, tenderness, anxiety, distress, and other emotions we associate with the human experience

The Eight-Legged Wolf with Stars in its Eyes
Spotting wolf spiders at night feels like part-arachnology and part-stargazing — their twinkling eyes shine like diamonds on the desert floor

Amazing Grace: The Dancing Black-necked Cranes of Ladakh
Tall and stately, black-necked cranes are short-term migrants in Ladakh, yet their elegance has inspired myths, folk dances, art, research and wildlife expeditions

The Spider’s Wharf: Tales of a Freshwater Fishing Enthusiast
From stealthily waiting by the water to prey on fish and tadpoles to females consuming males as a part of courtship ritual, the world of fishing spiders is full of intrigue

A Lesson in Love: The Great Hornbill Charms a Mate
Wooing a female hornbill can take days, even weeks. After all, it's a big decision. Great hornbills are monogamous and even mate for life

How the Bengal Florican Charms Its Mate
The Bengal florican is a romantic at heart. Its courtship ritual is part pageant and part dance-off
Photo Story

Watch Out, She Bites
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour