5 Results

Ornament, Armament, and Aggression: The Forgotten Beauty of Females
The current evolutionary understanding of sexual selection explains male traits and tendencies as competition for reproductive opportunities. Female extravagance, however, does not completely fit this narrative
Wild Vault

The Evolution Story of the Legless Lizard
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Andaman Day Gecko: Fleet-footed Flecks of Green
Endemic to the Andaman Islands this gecko has learnt to adapt and thrive on banana plantations

Cross Connections: The Story of Humans, Urial, and their Kin
The role of wild sheep in the trajectory of human growth, and other compelling reasons to protect the urial and its habitat

Bats and Moths: Evolution and the Relationship of Predator and Prey
Predator bats and the moths they prey on continue to evolve and adapt to suit their survival needs
Wild Vault