7 Results

Understanding Bioacoustics: When the Wild Creatures Sing
Birds and animals make different sounds for different reasons — to attract a mate, to communicate or even set off an alarm. But why are scientists eavesdropping? Watch to learn more about the emerging field of bioacoustics.

Feared, Loved, Worshipped: The Enigma of the Sundarbans Tiger
The Sundarbans is the single largest habitat of the tiger in Asia and the only mangrove forest in the world to shelter it. Watch how it rules the tidal forests, and the lives of the 4.5 million people who share its habitat

Mangroves: Forests, Coast Guards, Threats
Everything you need to know about these guardians of the coast

Of Sacred Streams and Groves
The authors explore how community attitudes towards conservation is helping protect two ecosystems in Maharashtra

In the Sundarbans, the Bengal Tiger is Always Watching You
Encounters with the tiger in the riverine, mangrove forests of the Sundarbans highlights its many roles — as flagship species, apex predator, photographer’s muse, fisherman’s nightmare, ghost, fictive kin, and god

What is Habitat Fragmentation?
Development projects are cutting through habitats and threatening entire ecosystems

A Forest to Own: Can Private Forests Bring Public Benefits?
Corporates, start-ups and non-profit organisations are investing in creating ‘private forests’ both for their own relief and to support nature, but are they the answer to the current environmental crisis?
Wild Vault