4 Results

Not Just Desert: The Wild, Varied Habitats of Rajasthan
A mosaic of habitats rich in diversity make up India’s largest state. While the Thar is the more familiar part of its landscape, it also has grasslands, wetlands, and hills
Photo Story

Gharials Make a Comeback in Punjab
Forty five gharials brought from a captive breeding centre in Madhya Pradesh have been rehabilitated into the Beas river

Gaping Gharials: River Reptile with the Super Snout
Though critically endangered, there is hope for this gentle, slender-jawed, fish-loving cousin of the crocodile
Photo Story

Canny Crocodiles: Our Planet’s Oldest Living Creatures
It’s no surprise that crocs have been around for millions of years. These intelligent creatures continue to be the apex predator in nearly every landscape they inhabit
Wild Vault