3 Results

In Conversation With Dr MK Ranjitsinh, Architect of India's Wildlife Laws
Dr MK Ranjitsinh’s is the prime architect of the Wildlife Conservation Act 1972 — the first, and most important, legislation on conservation. In his tenure, he also set up four sanctuaries, eight national parks and doubled the area of three existing national parks. Hear him speak of drafting policies, protecting forests, bringing back the gharial from the brink of extinction and India’s unending obsession with the tiger

Gharials Lose Nesting Sites at Katerniaghat
Growth of vegetation along the banks of the Girwa River has adversely affected the nesting of gharials

Gharials of Gandak: A Population Back from the Brink Faces Development Pressures
The population of gharials, a species endemic to the Indian subcontinent, has gone up in the recent years in the Gandak river in Bihar. However, the thriving gharials are facing threats from barrage and fishing nets