habitat fragmentation
10 Results

Spectacled Cobra: The Unwelcome Neighbour
Cobras are more common around villages and farms than in the wild. Frogs, rats and poultry from the farm make for easy meals. But looking for food so close to human settlements is risky business. It puts both, the humans and the cobra, at odds with each other.

Disturbed by Mining, Chattisgarh’s Elephants Move to Gadchiroli
Herd migrates to forests of the neighbouring state of Maharashtra attracted by good quality food and adequate water

Poaching Threatens Asiatic Black Bear in Arunachal Pradesh
Bears outside protected areas in the state targeted to meet the demands of the transnational wildlife trade

How Protecting Small Forest Patches Can Make a Big Difference
Connecting smaller protected forests to larger ones can ensure movement of animals so that there is an exchange of genetic material, which will ensure long term sustainability of the populations

Pushed to The Edge: Lion-tailed Macaques and the Case of Disappearing Forests
Destruction of forests is pushing a growing population of the shy lion-tailed macaques to look for food in human settlements

What are Wildlife Corridors?
Wildlife corridors connect isolated patches of forests or landscapes, so animals can get from one habitat to another without any obstacles

What is Habitat Fragmentation?
Development projects are cutting through habitats and threatening entire ecosystems

Hoolock Gibbons: Return of the Apes of Northeast India
Multilevel action plans that closely involve and benefit local communities are the only way forward to save the endangered gibbons of India

Bridging the Canopy Gap
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

What’s in a Name?
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour