Himalayan monal
4 Results

The High Life of the Himalayan Monal
The Himalayan monal is a show-stopper of the high mountains. During spring, the male dressed in his best attire, shows off his regal plumage, whistles, and dances to attract the attention of a mate. Will the female fall for his advances?

Four Fantastic Pheasants of Uttarakhand
Dazzled by encounters with the regal cheer, Himalayan monal, koklass pheasant, and kalij pheasants on a trip to Uttarakhand
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Winged Wonders of Uttarakhand
Five species of critically endangered birds and more than 50 per cent of the country’s bird species inhabit the dynamic habitat of this hilly state
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Coexistence with Critters: Lessons in Harmony from Bhutan’s Countryside
In parts of rural Bhutan wild animals like gorals, and birds like the Himalayan monal, satyr tragopan and black-necked crane share close living spaces with villagers
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