4 Results

Climate Change Adding to the Spread of Invasive Species
Invasive plants such as Lantana camara and Chromolaena odorata are emerging as a serious threat, especially to natural and agricultural landscapes

Beauty or Beast? The Lionfish Conundrum
Lionfish leave some spellbound while others loathe them. A brief story of these expert ambush predators that have spread from their native homes in the Indo-Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, creating a lionfish invasion crisis

Invasive Red-eared Slider Poses Threat to Native Freshwater Turtles
Unaware pet owners and weak laws enable multiplication of the exotic turtle that harms local biodiversity

Vasanth Bosco: Choosing the Promise of the Present
Leaving behind a career in alternative energy, he has chosen to dedicate his life to rewilding the depleted shola grasslands in the Nilgiris with native trees, shrubs and grasses