Malabar pit viper
4 Results

Most Valuable Players of the Monsoon in the Western Ghats
When the rains arrive in the Western Ghats, one of the world’s most biodiverse habitats, a range of herpetofauna come out to play, creating an orchestra of sounds
Wild Vault

Dark Waters: The Disappearing Myristica Swamps
Exploring these intriguing freshwater swamps reveals many reasons why we need to preserve them. They host not just a primitive family of plants, but also a fascinating array of creatures

Behind the Lens: Shooting the Residents of a Rainforest
These stewards of wildlife talk about ethical photography and its importance in research and the conservation of India’s natural heritage
Photo Story

Silent Knight: How the Malabar Pit Viper Hunts in the Dark
The Malabar pit viper is a study in stillness. It remains motionless, waiting for its prey for hours, even days. But when the time is right, it strikes with lightning speed