4 Results

The Grey Swallowtail Moth Chooses Sustainability Over Fashion
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Fluttering to the Flame: Moths in Art, Literature, and Poetry
From hunter-gatherer rock art to post-impressionist painters, moths have captured the human imagination down the ages, and countless references to them can be found in different cultures
Wild Vault

Wings of Chance: The Accidental Discovery of the Apatani Glory Moth
In remote Pange, near the Talle Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in Arunachal Pradesh, an “unintentional” photograph by a local sparked a series of scientific expeditions and led to the discovery of a new moth species, now named after his tribe

Shine a Light: A Saturday Night Moth Party in Delhi
The moths of Delhi’s Asola-Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary have their own loyal fan base, and shutter-friendly paparazzi
Urban Jungle