Pest Controller
5 Results

Jungle Cat: From a Neighbourhood Ally to a Misunderstood Thief
In southern Bengal, the destruction of wetlands has severely depleted the jungle cat’s habitat, pushing it closer to villages in search of food!

A Spotlight on the Scorpions of the Western Ghats
Discovery of seven new species from the region highlights the need for further studies to conserve these arachnids

Indian Rat Snake: Nature’s Own Pest Control
An active, adaptable predator that keeps a check on many of the pests that thrive around us, this common snake also becomes prey for cobras, mongooses and raptors

Out of Favour: Prayer for a Mantis
This farmer’s aide is a voracious eater that has helped keep insect populations in check. Unfortunately, excessive spraying of chemical insecticides is destroying this natural pest controller

Your Solution to a Bug-Free Home
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour