19 Results

Wildlife Crime: Death by a Snare
A single snare can potentially kill more than one animal. Snares don’t discriminate or select their victims, and they can take the lives of tigers, deer, wild boars, leopards, and even elephants

Spiny‑tailed Lizard: Facts, Size, Habitat
All you need to know about this hardy survivor of extreme deserts

Return of the King: How Panna National Park Got its Tigers Back
What does it take to bring back tigers to a forest that was once a hostile place for them? Experts talk about how the disappearance of tigers from Panna National Park gave birth to one of India’s most successful conservation stories

India Has Lost 75-90 per cent of its Leopard Population
A recent study has claimed that India’s leopards are in danger and need as much attention and protection as the tiger

How Goa is Emerging as the New Shark-Eating Destination
As Goa gears up for tourists post-pandemic, restaurants are promoting their food on social media, and shark meat preparations are the most popular among them

Indian Pangolin: Facts, Threats, Habitat, Diet
A fact file on the Indian pangolin or scaly anteater, the most trafficked wild animal in the world

Northern River Terrapin: Habitat, Conservation, Lifespan
All you need to know about this four-toed terrapin

Smooth-coated Otter: Facts, Threats, Habitat
All you need to know about the largest of Asia's otters

Poaching Increases During Covid-19 Lockdown in Rajasthan
More than 3O cases of killing of animals, including chinkara (Indian gazelle) and India’s national bird peacock, have been recorded during the lockdown, say Rajasthan’s forest department officials and activists

Periyar Tiger Reserve, Trendsetter in Converting Poachers to Protectors
Vidiyal Vanapathukappu Sangam, India’s first participatory forest management project comprising solely of former poachers and sandalwood smugglers, completes 17 years of conservation in Periyar Tiger Reserve of Kerala
Wild Vault

Chinkara Poaching Racket Uncovered in Rajasthan
The four accused are suspected to have killed hundreds of chinkaras, the state animal, over almost a decade

The Amur Falcon and the Mysteries of Bird Migration
Every year, tens of thousands of Amur falcons descend upon Nagaland, creating a natural history spectacle that is both rare and riveting

Bengal Slow Loris: Facts, Habitat, Threats
Everything you need to know about this nocturnal primate from the forests of Northeast India

The Return of Kaziranga’s Greater One-horned Rhinoceros
Rhino dung is a source of great knowledge. Scientists are creating a database of rhinoceros DNA, extracted from their massive dungheaps, to track populations, and use it as forensic evidence to catch poachers

Hacked for the Horn
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Behind the Revival of Panna’s Tigers
Conservation biologist Raghu Chundawat guided a spectacular revival of the tiger population in Panna National Park. The Rise and Fall of the Emerald Tigers is a detailed account of the effort

Rethinking Hunting in Northeast India
When you hear the words ‘hunting’ and ‘Northeast India’, you probably imagine gory images of dead animals and birds being sold openly in markets and roadsides. But what really is the story behind these images, and how did we get here?

Wildlife Warriors: The Guardians of Kaziranga Brave On
Under conditions of extreme hardship, the protectors of Kaziranga battle numerous challenges to ensure the safety and security of the animals and the park
Wild Vault

Victims of a Vile Trade, Pangolins are Almost Extinct
Illogical and unscientific beliefs make this shy mammal’s scales highly prized by poachers. It’s time to stop the massacre