4 Results

Winds of Change: Sharing Space with the Wild in Ramanagara
At first glance, the Ramanagara landscape seems like a picturesque habitat dotted by giant boulders. A closer look reveals new emerging signs of conflict with the wild

Dizzying Decline of the Indian Vulture
The unique dietary habits of vultures make them critical to many ecosystems, but also susceptible to the fatal effects of harmful chemicals consumed by other animals

Ramadevarabetta: A Vulture Sanctuary in Rapidly Urbanising Ramanagara
Close to the metropolis of Bangalore, the Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary is a pristine protected space in which people can learn about reptiles, dragonflies, endangered vultures, and all kinds of other birds

Breaking Bad: The Brotherhood of Bull Elephants
How young male elephants have changed their social behaviour and adopted a range of strategies and tactics that help them raid crops and survive the wrath of humans