4 Results

Celebrating the Festive Season with an Underwater Christmas Tree
T’is the season to be jolly!
Gleaming and glittering, Christmas tree worms know all about being festive! Found on coral reefs in warm waters worldwide, these bristly colourful worms come in different hues and shades.

Stranger than Fiction: The Inscrutable Mind of the Genius Octopus
An octopus is a crafty shape shifter. In the blink of an eye, it can change colour, texture, pattern, and shape to blend in with its surroundings

The Genius Octopus: Programmed to Deceive
These evolutionarily advanced marine invertebrates can solve puzzles, memorise tricks, use tools, and even recognise and fool humans

The Plastic in My Belly
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour