sexual dimorphism
4 Results

Ornament, Armament, and Aggression: The Forgotten Beauty of Females
The current evolutionary understanding of sexual selection explains male traits and tendencies as competition for reproductive opportunities. Female extravagance, however, does not completely fit this narrative
Wild Vault

Web Design: An Orb-weaver’s Sticky Toxic Lair
The orb-weaver’s delicate latticework of silken strands is treacherously loaded with a super glue spiked with toxins

The Sandgrouse has a Trick up its Belly
The sandgrouse has a smart hack to survive in difficult dry and arid habitats – it carries water in its belly feathers

Secret Serpent: The Life and Times of the Malabar Pit Viper
Though it is the most common and widespread of pit vipers in south India, the Malabar pit viper is only seen in the wet season, disappearing mysteriously in dry weather