Nature and Rhyme: Poems for Wild Things

Book Published : Dec 21, 2022 Updated : Aug 30, 2023
In her recent book Barefoot in the Wild, poet Tara Sandhu writes about endangered animals, their homeland, and her yearning for a life close to nature. Here is a selection of a few poems
Nature and Rhyme: Poems for Wild Things
In her recent book Barefoot in the Wild, poet Tara Sandhu writes about endangered animals, their homeland, and her yearning for a life close to nature. Here is a selection of a few poems

Butterfly in Bombay — A True Story

A yellow butterfly —

A trembling dot of colour on a canvas black & white.

Flew through a half-opened window

Into my office bus zipping on a smoking highway

And settled snug on a bunch of flowers

printed on my dress.


We need more bougainvilleas

Now that cemented cities are here to stay

We need more willing artists

To paint mirages on that stark grey

And more fragrant plants like the night queen

To quell the rot of the excesses of day.

We need more bougainvilleas

On the sideways

To fool us into believing

That we were meant to live this way.

The Peacock

A shimmering sculpted jewel flew lightly on my rooftop

And stood sweetly calling out the rain.

It opened a fan of over a hundred dazzling eyes;

Unblinking , they captivated the sky in their blue-green iridescence.

The peacock in its enchanting beauty

O’ glittering shades of life

Incarnates the zenith of nature’s artistry.

It appears in plain sight

Holding a mirror to how our world would be

If we’d let the grand artist paint at liberty.
