Hollongapar Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary
17 Results

Canopy Bridge Comes to Gibbons’ Rescue
Tree-planting efforts initiated in 2006 to reunite the apes separated by a railway line in Hoollongapar bear fruit

The Orchestra of a Forest Island
Assam's Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary is home to many creatures small and large, including the hoolock gibbon whose melodious song leads this forest's enchanting orchestra. However, steady destruction of the habitat is threatening to drown out the music

Capped Langurs and their Risky Quest for a Special Treat
In Assam’s Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary, tree-dwelling capped langurs rarely set foot on ground, except when a special treat beckons

Stump-tailed Macaques: The Forest Walkers of Hollongapar
The stump-tailed macaques spend most of their day walking across the dense rainforest floors of Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary. They only return to trees to search for food, or sleep. But foraging the forest floor makes them vulnerable to leopards and other predators. To save themselves, they hurriedly, stuff food in their expandable cheek pouches. If danger approaches, they quickly escape with the loot.

Lonely Hearts Club: The Hoolock Gibbon Story
How the handsome primate got stuck on the wrong side of the tracks
Photo Story

The Monkey with a Beanie: The Capped Langurs of Hollongapar
Destruction of forests is putting this primate’s future at risk. In the last three decades, their population has seen a 3O per cent decline

Hoolock Gibbons: Return of the Apes of Northeast India
Multilevel action plans that closely involve and benefit local communities are the only way forward to save the endangered gibbons of India

The Western Hoolock Gibbon Sings and Swings Along the Forest Canopies
The western hoolock gibbon is most commonly recognised by its song. From the heights of the forest canopy, the western hoolock gibbon produces a loud, elaborate song, that often ends in a spectacular crescendo

Life in Lakhipur, on the Fringe of the Forest
Animals know no borders. When you live on the edge of the forest, the animals will sometimes come a visiting
Wild Vault

Sultans of Swing: Hoolock Gibbons Rule the Canopy
This tiny graceful ape, hangs on to one of the last protected bastions of its native habitat

When Birdsong Fills the Tea Estates of Assam
Areas surrounding the Hollongapar forest act as a secondary habitat and play host to several animal and bird species

Small Forest, Big Trees, in Hollongapar
The diverse trees and plants of Assam’s Hollongapar Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary can leave as you as spellbound as the park’s famous primate residents

The Stump-tailed Macaques of Hollongapar
On the scent of elusive primates in the forests of Assam’s Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary

Wings of Wonder: Butterflies of Hollongapar
A rainy night, followed by a sunny morning is sure to bring out a huge number of the 2OO species of butterflies and moths that thrive in Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary

Ladies Special: The Matrilineal World of Stump-Tailed Macaques
Things are remarkably different in this primate troop without an alpha male heading it
Photo Story

Offtrack in Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary
The colonial-era Meleng Railway line cuts through this sanctuary in Assam, threatening the wildlife within

In Gibbon Country, Every Path Tells a Story
Small in size, but rich in biodiversity, the Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary is teeming with life, on the ground and in the canopy