Alpine Meadows
5 Results

Tibetan Sand Fox: High-Altitude Hunter
Only discovered in India in 2005, these small, furry foxes are found in the high Himalayas, where they are well-adapted, live in dens, and mainly hunt pikas
Photo Story

Hangul: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this critically endangered deer that is primarily found in Kashmir

Pallas's Cat: Facts, Habitat, Threats
All you need to know about this elusive and small wildcat

The Giving Tree: A Mighty Oak Ecosystem
How a gnarly, shabby, knotty old oak provides food and protection to a huge host of creatures
Photo Story

Thriving in Thin Air: Pikas of the Himalayan Talus
Tiny, cute, and highly adaptable, the pika survives freezing temperatures and a host of predators