Oriental Magpie Robin: Habitat, Calls, Nesting Behaviour

Infographic Published : Dec 12, 2024 Updated : Dec 13, 2024
Everything you need to know about this melodious bird
Everything you need to know about this melodious bird

1: Where can you find oriental magpie robins?

They inhabit a variety of environments, including evergreen and deciduous forests, scrublands, savannahs, and urban gardens or green spaces.

2: How can you identify male and female Oriental magpie robins?

Males have a glossy blue-black body with a white belly, while females are slaty grey with a white belly. Both sexes have a white wing bar and a black tail with white sides that is often cocked up.

3: When and where are these birds most active?

They are active at dusk, often foraging on the ground in leaf litter with their tails cocked up.

4: What do they eat?

Their diet mainly consists of insects, including beetles, dragonflies, ants, crickets, and grasshoppers, as well as worms, mollusks, spiders, and occasionally small geckos, fish, fruits, and nectar.

About the contributors

Kaushik Sarkar

Kaushik Sarkar

is a wildlife biologist transitioning towards the world of conservation action. He currently works with The Habitats Trust primarily working on the Terai Grasslands Project.
Diviya Mehra

Diviya Mehra

is a graphic designer. She was the former art director of National Geographic Traveller. Her love for animals, travel and design has shaped her career through the years.
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