Parasitoid: Facts, Diet, Lifecycle

Infographic Published : Nov 11, 2024 Updated : Nov 18, 2024
All you need to know about these secret agents of the insect world
All you need to know about these secret agents of the insect world

What is one major difference between a parasitoid and a parasite?

A parasitoid kills the host, whereas a parasite aims to coexist with the host, without killing it. 

Do parasitoids provide any service to the ecosystem?

Yes, parasitoids are natural pest controls and pollinators. 

What does an adult parasitoid eat?

An adult parasitoid feed on nectar, which indirectly helps to pollinate plants. 

About the contributors

Femi Ezhuthupallickal Benny

Femi Ezhuthupallickal Benny

Femi is a PhD student at University College London (UCL), working on the ecology and behavior of Asian giant hornets. Passionate about insects, especially wasps, she loves fieldwork in underexplored places, studying how insects interact with their environment and discovering new species while at it!

Diviya Mehra

Diviya Mehra

is a graphic designer. She was the former art director of National Geographic Traveller. Her love for animals, travel and design has shaped her career through the years.
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