In Stages: Metamorphosis in the Insect World

Photo Story Published : Nov 09, 2021 Updated : May 11, 2022
Looking at the lifecycle of insects, it’s clear that each has a unique evolutionary success story, with change the only constant
In Stages: Metamorphosis in the Insect World
Looking at the lifecycle of insects, it’s clear that each has a unique evolutionary success story, with change the only constant

Insects represent over half of the earth’s biodiversity. There are nearly a million species! Some estimates, like the one published by The Royal Entomological Society, approximate that for every human on earth, there are roughly 1.4 billion insects. These numbers seem less staggering when you pause for a second and think about all the insects you met today (wittingly or otherwise). Between the butterflies that visit your plants or garden and the ants that clean up after you, you are likely to start losing count. Each insect species plays a critical role in maintaining the balance of entire ecosystems. Likewise, each insect has a unique evolutionary story behind its success. While these stories are as varied and diverse as the insects themselves, there is one popular path employed by approximately 65 per cent of all known insects — metamorphosis.

As Albert Einstein once remarked, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”. What drove insects to make such drastic transformations within a single lifetime? To answer that question, we go back roughly 480 million years — to a time most estimates suggest insects first inhabited the earth. For the next 80 million years or so, they remained ametabolous (i.e. without metamorphosis) and seemingly did not go through significant morphological transformations as part of their life history. They would look like miniature versions of themselves and grow in size from one moult to the next. Around 400 million years ago, something remarkable happened in the insect world — they evolved wings! Wings allowed insects to evade predators better, disperse populations further, and look “fly” while doing it. However, with wings came developmental difficulties like moulting with fully developed wings. These pressures gently nudged winged insects (Pterygota) to emerge from their eggs as juveniles with wing pads that would eventually develop into fully functional wings when they became adults. Pterygota evolved to stop moulting once they took on their adult form (final moult) in order to avoid further issues with trying to moult with fully developed wings. With no pupal stage (hemimetaboly), this partial or incomplete metamorphosis is widely regarded as the first evolutionary step towards the more elaborate four-stage metamorphosis (holometaboly) that we learn about in school.

The biggest benefit of this clever adaptation of metamorphosis is that it allows the same species to operate in different ecological niches at various life stages. How does that help? Less competition for resources within a species. When ditch jewels (Brachythemis contaminata) emerge from eggs, their nymph form is aquatic. From gills that allow them to breathe underwater to propulsion systems that allow them to efficiently hunt small prey like mosquito larvae and tadpoles, aquatic nymphs or naiads are well-adapted for life underwater. Photo: Ripan Biswas

Cover photo: Chrysalis (pupa) of a common crow butterfly. Photo: Vipul Ramanuj

When a ditch jewel is ready to move from its aquatic form to reinvent life as a flying predator, the nymph slowly emerges from the water under cover of night to begin the final moult of its life. Ditch jewels are typically found in and around slow-moving streams, stagnant lakes and small ponds. The nymphs climb onto low-lying vegetation in the waterbody to begin their transformation.

(Top left) From its well-anchored position on a leaf, the ditch jewel bends backwards to release its body from its exoskeleton (exuvia) until only the tip of its abdomen is left inside. As its new exoskeleton begins to harden, it perches back onto its now fully shed exuvia and begins to breathe. As air flows into the body, the dragonfly’s body takes a rigid shape. Wings that were tucked away and hidden slowly emerge as a crumpled incipient mess (top right). However, as the ditch jewel pumps lymphatic fluid into the wings, they begin to take shape. In a matter of hours, the aquatic nymph transforms into a slender marvel of flight (above). Photos: Ripan Biswas

As a result of using up larval silk in the nest construction process, weaver ant larvae develop into “naked pupae”. In their naked pupal form, weaver ants are best pictured as albino versions of worker ants, doing six-legged demonstrations of the foetal position. As the pupa near their full transformation, they start changing colour from white to reddish-brown. Despite being the size of fully grown workers, pupae are completely immobile and receive the same levels of care as larvae in the colony. Seen here are pupae being rushed to a safer nest site in the colony when the neighbourhood mango tree was being harvested in summer. Photo: Samuel John

In the world of insects and metamorphosis, each story is as unique as the species. When a weaver ant matures into an adult, it resembles the popular reddish major and minor worker ant. However, when the colony matures fully, it produces reproductive members that look vastly different from their non-reproductive members. Reproductive males are small and black, while reproductive females are much larger and look like emerald stones with sprouted wings, as seen in this image. Photo: Samuel John

About the contributor

Samuel John

Samuel John

is the co-founder of Spiders and the Sea, a social enterprise working towards bridging people and nature - through research, outreach and creative storytelling.
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