Tortoise Beetles: Facts, Lifecycle and Distribution

Infographic Published : Feb 27, 2025 Updated : Mar 06, 2025
All you need to know about the tiny, armoured, jewel-like marvels that inhabit forests, grasslands, agricultural fields and gardens.
All you need to know about the tiny, armoured, jewel-like marvels that inhabit forests, grasslands, agricultural fields and gardens.

What are the host plants for tortoise beetles? 

Tortoise beetles choose plants of the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae) and potato family (Solanaceae) as hosts.

Who are the predators of tortoise beetles? 

Birds, predatory insects, spiders and parasitoid wasps are the primary predators of tortoise beetles.

What is the role of tortoise beetles in the ecosystem?

Tortoise beetles contribute to ecological balance by controlling the growth of their host plants.

About the contributors

Femi Ezhuthupallickal Benny

Femi Ezhuthupallickal Benny

Femi is a PhD student at University College London (UCL), working on the ecology and behavior of Asian giant hornets. Passionate about insects, especially wasps, she loves fieldwork in underexplored places, studying how insects interact with their environment and discovering new species while at it!

Diviya Mehra

Diviya Mehra

is a graphic designer. She was the former art director of National Geographic Traveller. Her love for animals, travel and design has shaped her career through the years.
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