10 Results

Dung Beetles Key to Unravelling Climate Change?
Experts say that studying dung beetles can help monitor environmental health, including habitat loss, fragmentation and climate change

Tortoise Beetles: Facts, Lifecycle and Distribution
All you need to know about the tiny, armoured, jewel-like marvels that inhabit forests, grasslands, agricultural fields and gardens.

Tortoise Beetles: From Tutus Made of Poop to Crystalline Lattice Coats
Tortoise beetles are a striking example of how a tiny insect packs a big bag of variable optical tricks and adaptations for predator evasion from the larval stage to adulthood. Their bejewelled looks, with myriad glittering patterns, have entranced many entomologists
Photo Story

Fireflies: Bioluminescent Beauties Light Up the Trees
Will the neon lights dancing across dark landscapes continue to bedazzle us? Or are these shimmering beetles doomed to disappear from our world?

Wildlife Puzzle: Dung Beetle
Put together this jigsaw to see dung beetles in action

Epomis Beetles and their Amphibian Meals
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Dung Beetles: Facts, Diet, Habitat
All you need to know about these soil engineers

Dung Beetles: The Little Things That Run the World
They are found nearly all over the planet and are considered engineers of the soil. But why are dung beetles so fascinated with poop?

Why Do Fireflies Glow?
What causes the belly of the firefly to glow?
Wild Vault

Watch Out, She Bites
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour