Toolkit: Migratory Birds

Interactive Published : Jan 24, 2023 Updated : Oct 06, 2023
Here are some resources to kickstart a conversation on birds and migration in India.
Toolkit: Migratory Birds
Here are some resources to kickstart a conversation on birds and migration in India.


A pattern of behaviour in which animals undertake a journey and move from one habitat to another for a part of the year or a part of their lives. Many animals like insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds migrate by land, sea, or air in search of food, better conditions, or to breed. Not all animals migrate, some live their entire lives in one place.

Talking points  

1. Can you think of other kinds of animal movement?

Migration differs from other animal movement in that it occurs seasonally and usually involves a return journey. Sometimes this return movement can occur in a different generation of the species.

2. What makes migration different?

Migration differs from other animal movement in that it occurs seasonally and usually involves a return journey. Sometimes this return movement can occur in a different generation of the species.


Can you name some animals that migrate?  



Talking points

1. Why do you think birds migrate to India?

The main reasons for bird migration are food, climate and breeding. During the winter season in temperate regions, when the temperature is well below the freezing point, food becomes scarce. Animals living in these regions migrate South to warmer places like India where food is abundant. This also makes it ideal for breeding as it’s easy for birds to raise their chicks with easier availability of food.

The routes followed by migratory birds are known as flyways. India lies on one such flyway called the Central Asian flyway and is an important region for more than 250 kinds of birds that use this route.


Can you think of birds you’ve seen only at a particular time of the year near where you live?

Where did you see the bird? In a park/river/pond/forest/building in a city?

Can you name some migratory birds that are found in India?

Kinds of migration in India

1.Long distance migration

India is an in-route breeding ground for some of migrating birds from North-eastern and Eastern Asia to Africa.

2.Local migration within India

Birds like the Indian pitta migrate smaller distances. These local migrations are governed by regional conditions such as temperature and availability of water which can affect upon their food supply.

Migratory birds that travel to India

1. Demoiselle crane

The world’s smallest cranes are formidable fliers — they fly at high altitudes, and over long distances to get to the wintering grounds in India. This crane has a wide breeding and wintering distribution. It breeds in and around Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Mongolia to east China. It winters in a wide swath of land from Iran to India, and sub-Saharan Africa. Unlike many cranes which cannot live away from water, the demoiselle crane is equally adapted to wet grasslands, crop fields, savannah, steppes. If water is available to drink and idle around, it is even found in desert and semi-desert areas — a great example being the Thar Desert. 

Here's a film on why the world’s smallest crane flocks to a dusty village in Rajasthan

More on these small and dainty cranes. 

2. Amur falcon

Every year, hundreds of thousands of these small raptors make a pilgrimage together from their homes in China and Siberian Russia, all the way to southern Africa, via India and the Arabian Sea. Their journey covers an estimated 22,000 km. The birds arrive around mid-October every year, usually making several stops, in Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, and Assam, to recuperate from their journey, and fortify themselves for their nonstop flight over the Arabian Sea. Ever since the Doyang Reservoir was constructed near the Naga village of Pangti in July 2000, the birds have been congregating around its hills. As many as a million birds descend into the valley, making it the largest congregation of any raptor in the world! But these birds have not always been safe on their journey. In 2012, thousands of Amur falcons were hunted in the Pangti village of Nagaland in a single day. But acute crisis gave birth to one of India's most inspiring bird conservation stories.  

Here is a photo story on this migration. 

3. Great crested grebe

A winter migrant to India, great crested grebes move from temperate waterbodies across Europe to warmer waterbodies in Asia at the start of the cold season. These large, elegant birds are the largest among the grebes. During the breeding season, both males and females grow tippets, the black and tawny orange facial ruffs and ear tufts, which they use in displays to establish pair bonds. 

Watch this pair of great crested grebes who have just turned proud parents in Rajasthan's Menar lake.

See this photo story on the pattering weed dance, where a pair of courting great crested grebes walk on water!

4. Five migratory birds you may not have heard of

When we think of bird migration, we often think of flamingo flocks, graceful cranes, and vibrant ducks. But there are many long-distance travellers that miss the limelight. 

So where in India do these migratory birds go? Here are some habitats:

1. Menar

Menar is not an important bird area, yet thousands of resident and migratory birds feel secure in the heart of this bustling village. What makes them feel safe here? 

2. Velavadar

Every winter, harriers fly thousands of miles from northern Central Asia to reach the grasslands of Saurashtra. Gujarat's Velavadar is India’s largest roosting ground for these handsome birds of prey 

You can also find migratory birds in cities (Urban habitats)

1. Gurgaon's Basai wetland has been recognised as an Important Bird Area for the incredible diversity of resident and migratory birds it hosts. 

2.Hundreds of migrating flamingos and other wildlife can be seen just a stone’s throw away from a bustling Navi Mumbai residential complex. Read about it here


1. How do you think animals know how to go and when to leave?

Scientists are not yet entirely sure especially when they have never made the journey before. Some researchers suggest that these animals use a mix of stimuli, such as sunlight, the Earth’s magnetic field, and chemical cues, to find their way!

2. Why do you think migration is important?

Migrations are incredible journeys that are certainly captivating, but they are also vital to the ecosystem. Migration affects the distribution of prey and predators, ensures that nutrient cycling occurs around the planet, helps with the spread of pollen and seeds, and even influences seasonal economies (sustainable tourism like in Nagaland).

Animal migrations are essential for a healthy ecosystem and, ultimately, a healthy planet!


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About the contributor

Divya Candade

Divya Candade

is a social anthropologist who works in the area of communication for sustainable development. She loves nature and slow travel, and is most content in the wilderness.
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