Environment and conservation news you need to know
63 News

Plantations Replacing Natural Ecosystems
The Forest Survey of India released its latest India State of Forest Report (ISFR) which shows a marginal increase in forest and tree cover

Four New King Cobras Make Hisss...tory
Genetic and morphological analyses of king cobras from across their range reveal it is not a single species, but four distinct ones

India has Five Genetically Distinct Populations of Elephants
A recent genome study of elephants in India sheds new light on their population, divergence, and history

Baby Packs More of a Punch Than Mumma
A new study finds Russell’s viper neonates produce venoms that are twice as potent towards mammals, compared to the ones produced by adults

Industrial Effluents Claim Fish Lives in Periyar
The fish mortality was caused by the opening of the gates at the Pathalam regulator-bridge upstream, leading to the release of polluted water

Smugglers Target Otters in Northeast India
In May, four otter skins were seized in Dhemaji district, Assam, highlighting that otter trade, particularly of the fur, is rampant in the northeast.

Central Asian Lynx Recorded in Kargil
A subspecies of the Eurasian lynx, the individual was captured on a camera trap in the Rangdum area of Kargil district at the altitude of 4,154 m above sea level

Shrimp Farming Transforming Land Use in Sundarbans
The Sundarbans region of India has experienced a significant shift from traditional agriculture to shrimp aquaculture due to erratic weather and increasing global demand for shrimp

Wolves Give the Silent Treatment
In landscapes heavily altered by human activity in Maharashtra, a study suggests that the Indian wolf may be adapting by suppressing its iconic howl

Lack of Research Impediment to Otter Conservation in Northeast India
Experts say detailed surveys and research inputs on the species are needed to formulate effective conservation plans

Crofton Weed: The ‘Devil’ Spreading in the Mountains
Labelled a ‘High Concern Invasive Species’, invading moist grasslands and evergreen forests, the Crofton weed is rapidly establishing itself in the Himalayas

Human-animal Conflict Triggers Protests and Debates in Wayanad
Wayanad district grapples with escalating wildlife encounters, including fatal incidents involving elephants and tigers

Oil Spill in Ennore Affects Local Ecology
Crude oil, reportedly from a public sector refining company, has leaked into the Kosasthalaiyar river to the north of Chennai, the Ennore creek, and the Bay of Bengal, thereby polluting the ecosystem

Zoological Survey of India to Use eDNA to Study and Monitor Wildlife
The new technology may also be able to provide much-needed data on invasive alien species in India

Camera-trap Study of Five Small Wild Cats Planned in Dehing-Patkai
The forest department is initiating a camera-trap study to assess populations and occupancy of five species of small wild cats in the national park, the first such study since 2010

Crackdown on Interstate Tiger Poaching Network, 18 Poachers Arrested
A major tiger poaching syndicate that extended from Gadchiroli in Maharashtra to Guwahati in Assam was busted recently

Camera Trap Image Reveals Possible Presence of Nepal’s 13th Wildcat Species
Camera trapping last year for a tiger census captured an image of what researchers believe is an Asiatic wildcat, a felid whose presence in the country has long been debated

Evidence of Manul’s Presence Found on Mount Everest
Cold-adapted wild cat’s existence confirmed on the slopes of the world’s highest mountain, thanks to scat samples retrieved from there in 2019

Forest Clearance Denied for Etalin Hydroelectric Project
Forest Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change pointed out that a ‘large number of representations were received voicing concerns’ while refusing the Stage-II or final forest clearance

Sikkim Grass Lizard Spotted in Nepal
Researchers have confirmed the presence of the elusive lizard in eastern Nepal, nearly 100 kilometers from its known range in Sikkim

Instagram Leads to Discovery of a New Himalayan Snake Species
Herpetologist intrigued by a photo uploaded to the social media site investigated further to find a species new to science

Hangul Numbers Increase in Kashmir
Population of critically endangered deer increases to 261 from 237 in 2019

Moth Inventory: Expanding Our Faunal Database
Seventeen newly discovered species add to the hundreds of species of moths recorded in Arunachal Pradesh’s Talle Wildlife Sanctuary, one of the most biodiverse regions of India

Community Efforts Guide Mahseer Protection in Meghalaya
Locals manage 79 fish sanctuaries in the state that support a wide variety of fish

Tigress Travels Record Distance in Central India
P213-22 walked 99 km from her home in Panna Tiger Reserve to a non-protected area, where she is rearing two cubs

Development Plans Threaten Ecology of Lakshadweep
Proposed large-scale beachside tourism and infrastructure development may aggravate climate change-related disasters

Pastoral Communities Affected by Livestock Grazing Ban in Sikkim
Study finds that the ban combined with rising tourism resulted in the loss of livelihoods and culture

Wild Buffalo Faces Race Against Extinction in Chhattisgarh
According to government estimates, only 25 to 35 wild buffaloes left in the state

Two Lakh Trees Face Axe for Diamond Mine in Buxwaha
Proposed project will impact wildlife and villagers dependent on the forest

A Spotlight on the Scorpions of the Western Ghats
Discovery of seven new species from the region highlights the need for further studies to conserve these arachnids

Forest Fires Raise Questions Over Management of Similipal National Park
Forest department and local communities remain divided over cause of fires and ownership of the biosphere

Chhattisgarh's Next Tiger Reserve – Bhoramdeo or Guru Ghasidas?
State keen on Guru Ghasidas National Park, while wildlife experts feel Bhoramdeo Wildlife Sanctuary is an important tiger habitat

Gharials Make a Comeback in Punjab
Forty five gharials brought from a captive breeding centre in Madhya Pradesh have been rehabilitated into the Beas river

Golden Jackals Find Shelter at Airports
Grasslands in and around airports in Kolkata and Guwahati offer refuge to these canids

India’s Only Wolf Sanctuary Threatened by Mining
The quest for bauxite along the bordering areas of Chhattisgarh-Jharkhand endangers the wolves of Mahuadanr

Proposed Hydropower Project Threatens the Bodh Fish
The ‘shark of Bastar' found in the Indravati river in Chhattisgarh, faces a perilous future due to the proposed Bodhghat Pariyojana project and indiscriminate hunting

New Underground Ant Discovered from Goa
Measuring just 2.5 mm in length, yellow in colour and completely blind, Vaibhav’s Protanilla was first found in Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary

Gurugram, Faridabad at Risk from Illegal Mining in Aravallis
Despite the Supreme Court repeatedly issuing strict orders against illegal mining, the activities continue unabated

Rising Mining Activities Threaten Tiger Habitats
Home to one-third of India's tiger population, the landscapes of central India and eastern ghats are among habitats under severe pressure from mining

Poaching Increases During Covid-19 Lockdown in Rajasthan
More than 3O cases of killing of animals, including chinkara (Indian gazelle) and India’s national bird peacock, have been recorded during the lockdown, say Rajasthan’s forest department officials and activists

Dwarf Geckos: Life in the Shadows
The discovery of three new species of rock-dwelling dwarf geckos (genus Cnemaspis) from the Mysore Plateau reveals the ancient history of these habitats

Vulture Population in Bundelkhand Increases by 103 Per Cent in a Decade
According to NGO Indian Biodiversity Conservation Society, vulture numbers rose from 1,313 in 2009 to 2,673 in 2019

Anamalai Wood Snake: New Species Found in the Western Ghats
Scientists had previously noted slight differences in the Perroteti’s wood snake found in the northern and southern hill ranges of the Western Ghats, but further analyses reveal that specimens collected from the Anamalai hills, in the southern ranges, are a new species altogether

Chinkara Poaching Racket Uncovered in Rajasthan
The four accused are suspected to have killed hundreds of chinkaras, the state animal, over almost a decade

Asian Elephant, Great Indian Bustard and Bengal Florican to Receive Cross-Border Protections
The ongoing United Nation's COP13 convention accepted India’s proposal for their inclusion in Appendix 1 according these migratory species the highest levels of protection

Citizen Science Data and the State of India’s Birds
A February 2O2O report, using data contributed by thousands of birders from across India, assesses the state of 867 species of birds found in India. The finding is that our birds are in overall decline

Return of the Cheetah: But Where Will it Roam?
A grand central government plan to introduce African cheetahs into India more than seven decades after the Asiatic cheetah went extinct here raises many pivotal questions

Tamil Nadu’s Seaweed Harvesters in Rough Seas
An unusual activity of the fisherwomen of Bharathinagar in Tamil Nadu keeps them more in the water than on boats. But climate change and overexploitation of marine resources are eroding their livelihoods

Underwater Disturbance: The Gangetic Dolphin Struggles to Communicate
India’s Ganga River is getting noisier with increased ship traffic and dredging, and that’s stressing the river’s iconic dolphins and changing how they communicate, a new study has found

Brush Strokes of Blood: Illegal Mongoose Hair Trade Threatens the Animal
Illegal trade of mongoose hair is a thriving industry that results in the death of thousands of mongoose across India every month

Kuno, India’s second home for the Asiatic lion, is ready
Madhya Pradesh’s Kuno Palpur Wildlife sanctuary is all set to be the new home for relocated Asiatic lions from Gir in Gujarat

Sundarbans: ‘Not a blade of grass grew…’
People in the Sundarbans of West Bengal, for long living on the edge, are now facing climate change – recurring cyclones, erratic rain, growing salinity, rising heat, depleting mangroves and more

The swimming camels of Kutch
The magnificent Kharai camels get vital elements of their diet from marine mangroves on islands –and get there by swimming – yes swimming! – several kilometres off the coast of Kachchh (or Kutch) in Gujarat

Dune Crickets: The Underdogs of the Thar Desert
The Thar desert in Rajasthan is home to two of the seven known dune cricket species. The insects have adopted mechanisms and lifestyles that help them survive the arid desert climate

Magadha Burrowing Frog: Resident of Farms
The Magadha burrowing frog, named after the ancient kingdom of Magadha in the southern Bihar, was discovered in farms, proving that we need more explorations of agro-ecosystems, not just forests.

The Indian Grey Wolf is in Need of Greater Protection
A recent study found that most habitats suited to the Indian grey wolf lie outside protected sanctuaries and national parks, putting its survival at great risk

Citizen Scientists to Map Wildflowers in India, and Three Other Countries
A citizen science project aims at improving knowledge of wild flowering plant species in Indonesia, India, Ethiopia and Turkey. The data will be publicly available

The Tamilian Warrior is Now a State Butterfly
Tamil Nadu becomes the fifth Indian state to declare a state butterfly to boost conservation practices

Forced to Join the Boys’ Club: Male Elephants Adapt to Change
Known to lead solitary lives once they reach adolescence, male elephants in South India are now responding to habitat changes by altering their behaviour and hanging out in all-male groups

A New Vine Snake Called Proahaetulla Slithers Into View
In the Agasthyamalai Hills in the southern Western Ghats scientists confirm the discovery of an ancient species of vine snake

Gharials of Gandak: A Population Back from the Brink Faces Development Pressures
The population of gharials, a species endemic to the Indian subcontinent, has gone up in the recent years in the Gandak river in Bihar. However, the thriving gharials are facing threats from barrage and fishing nets

Grave Threat: More Species at Risk Says New IUCN Red List
We’re wiping out our planet’s wildlife at an alarming and unprecedented pace, according to detailed statistics revealed by the 2O19 IUCN Red List

There’s a New Species of Scorpion on the Block
In July 2O19, after a decade of ambiguity, Hotentotta vinchu, identified by researchers in the Western Ghats, was acknowledged as a new species of scorpion