5 Results

Lesser Florican: Dance, Habitat, Courtship
All you need to know about one of the smallest bustard species in the world

Friendly Neighbours: Lesser Florican and the Farmers of Shokaliya
There are less than 340 lesser florican males on Earth and experts believe that the number of females is even smaller, but the smallest bustard species in India is trying to beat the odds with a little help from the farmers of Shokaliya, a village in Rajasthan's Ajmer district.

Lesser Florican: Hope in Rajasthan, but on the Brink in Madhya Pradesh
While lesser floricans are learning to live with farmers in Shokaliya, Rajasthan, their numbers continue to plummet in the central Indian state

Allahrakha Khan: The Living Legend of Velavadar’s Last Grassland
More than 2OO years ago, his forefathers first started protecting the Velavadar grasslands. Over the course of his life, he has not only continued their legacy, but also turned into an unlikely guardian of the park’s endangered, sprightly, lesser florican

Is the Lesser Florican Jumping to Extinction?
The smallest member of the bustard family faces a peculiar conundrum: breed or be safe?