Scientific Name
Circus pygargus
IUCN Status
Least Concern (LC)
1,00,000 - 4,99,999
225-450 g
Habitat Type
Other Grasslands, Swamps and Marshes, Agricultural Landscapes
Organochlorine pesticides, habitat loss from expanding agriculture and overgrazing, invasive plant species like Prosopis, wind power projects
Did You Know
Montagu's harriers fly quite low over grasslands while hunting; wings raised in a shallow V.
IUCN Status
Least Concern (LC)
1,00,000 - 4,99,999
225-450 g
Habitat Type
Other Grasslands, Swamps and Marshes, Agricultural Landscapes
Organochlorine pesticides, habitat loss from expanding agriculture and overgrazing, invasive plant species like Prosopis, wind power projects
Did You Know
Montagu's harriers fly quite low over grasslands while hunting; wings raised in a shallow V.
Through videos, stories, infographics and more, here's a deep dive into the world and life of the Montagu's harrier