15 Results

Himalayan Griffon: Facts, Habitat, Nesting
All you need to know about this large vulture

Watching Vultures Around Munsiyari
Encounters with the majestic Himalayan griffon and the bone-swallowing bearded vulture in a quaint, high-altitude town in Uttarakhand

Gods of Scavenging: Vultures of the Indian subcontinent
Nature’s most efficient scavengers once numbered in the millions. Now, four of the nine species found in India are critically endangered and face the risk of extinction
Photo Story

Fall of the House of Vultures (And How We Can Stop It)
Vultures provide priceless ecosystem services by cleaning the environment. Only real changes in the use of vulture-toxic veterinary drugs can help them and the captive-breeding programmes trying to revive their decimated populations

Monitoring Vultures in Madhya Pradesh’s Panna Tiger Reserve
Around 25 vultures in Panna Tiger Reserve, including the critically endangered Indian vulture, have been geotagged for monitoring the species’ behaviour

Why Vultures of Panna May Lose their Cliff-Side Homes
For thousands of years, hundreds of vultures have built nests on the steep, ancient gorges of Panna, but new developments stand to submerge these landscapes. If the plan goes through, will the vultures return to nest?

Chirgaon Leads the Way in Vulture Conservation
Vulture population in village in Maharashtra rises from 22 in 1999-2000 to 249 in 2021

Dizzying Decline of the Indian Vulture
The unique dietary habits of vultures make them critical to many ecosystems, but also susceptible to the fatal effects of harmful chemicals consumed by other animals

Ramadevarabetta: A Vulture Sanctuary in Rapidly Urbanising Ramanagara
Close to the metropolis of Bangalore, the Ramadevarabetta Vulture Sanctuary is a pristine protected space in which people can learn about reptiles, dragonflies, endangered vultures, and all kinds of other birds

Vultures: Scavengers of the Sky at Risk
Vultures are cleaners of our eco-system. Without them unattended carcasses would rot, pollute groundwater and spread diseases. But since the early 9Os, their populations have been plummeting. Are we doing enough to protect them?

Vulture Population in Bundelkhand Increases by 103 Per Cent in a Decade
According to NGO Indian Biodiversity Conservation Society, vulture numbers rose from 1,313 in 2009 to 2,673 in 2019

Indian Vulture: Facts, Population, Threats
All you need to know about this critically endangered raptor

Bearded Vulture: Facts, Diet, IUCN Status
Everything you need to know about this bone-swallowing raptor

Bearded Vulture: The Marrow-Minded Raptor
This bird of prey cracks bones by dropping them from a height on sharp, rocky cliffs so it can feed on the soft, juicy marrow inside

You’re Creepy and I Love You
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour