6 Results

Future in Jeopardy: The Wild Water Buffalo in Assam
According to conservationists, it is habitat loss and not the practice of interbreeding with domestic buffaloes that has affected the population of the Asiatic buffalo

Wild Buffalo Faces Race Against Extinction in Chhattisgarh
According to government estimates, only 25 to 35 wild buffaloes left in the state

The Asiatic Buffalo Struggles to Find a Match
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Wild Water Buffalo: Facts, Threats, Diet
Everything you need to know about one of the oldest species of buffalo in the world

Grazing, Lazing, Wallowing: The Good Life of the Wild Water Buffalo
Young wild water buffaloes form jaunty bachelor clans. They spend much of the dry season together, lazing around, grazing leisurely, and wading and wallowing in swamps, often submerged neck deep for very long periods.

The Grand Old Buffaloes of the Savannah Need Protection
A small and highly fragmented population of wild water buffalo struggles for survival. Long-term conservation actions are needed for their preservation