7 Results

Jewels from the Intertidal
Like the intertidal zone it describes – a space that is both land and sea – Yuvan Aves’s genre-bending book is both observation and contemplation, meditation and a call to action. It is a testament to the rewards of prolonged observation and nurturing a relationship with the natural world.

Some Inspiration from Sand-bubbler Crabs and Bill Waterson
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment and conservation
Green Humour

Ecotourism, and the Olive Ridley Turtles of Dapoli
In coastal Maharashtra, conservationists navigate the impacts of beach-loving travellers on this vulnerable reptile

A Date with Mumbai’s Marine Wildlife
Mumbai’s Juhu Beach suddenly comes alive with crabs, anemones, shrimp, snails and other marine biodiversity that lives on city’s coastline
Urban Jungle

Welcome to the Waste Coast
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Why You Need to Take Shit Seriously
While humans often track and identify animals by their droppings, for many animals just a sniff of dung can convey a whole lot of important information
Wild Vault

Wild Shores: Life in a Tide Pool
When the tide goes out, take a walk along the shore and discover a fascinating range of marine animals and plants