3 Results

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo: The Master Mimic
The greater racket-tailed drongo can imitate calls of over 40 different species including a variety of birds, frogs and even insects! Wildlife ecologist Samira Agnihotri has been tracking the bird and its shenanigans for most of her adult life. Watch her talk about why the bird mimics so many species and how everyone is bound to fall in love with it.

What the Jungle Babblers Babble About
Jungle babblers have been known as loud, cacophonous, rowdy birds — but turns out that their "babble" is a complex communication system that they use to look out for each other

Understanding Bioacoustics: When the Wild Creatures Sing
Birds and animals make different sounds for different reasons — to attract a mate, to communicate or even set off an alarm. But why are scientists eavesdropping? Watch to learn more about the emerging field of bioacoustics.