Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary
5 Results

Feathers on the Road: Highway Birding and Other Adventures
National Highway 13 is part of the highway network that runs across Arunachal Pradesh, through dense forests and along teal rivers to reach snow-covered mountains — every bend and corner explodes with bird diversity
Photo Story

Nandini Velho: Community and Conservation
Nandini Velho’s extensive work with local communities makes her an unusual conservationist — one who stands up for humans as much as animals

Bringing a Forest Back from the Brink
Researcher-illustrator duo Nandini Velho and Anjora Noronha explore how community attitudes towards logging have changed in Arunachal Pradesh's Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, thanks to nature-based tourism

Cut that Call: Ethics and Misuse of Artificial Birdcalls
Is a bird in hand really better than two in the bush? Understanding the impact of our actions while birdwatching is an essential part of being an eco-tourist

How the Bugun Liocichla is Keeping an Indigenous Culture in the Northeast Alive
Tales of culture and conservation, from the West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh