7 Results

Hanle: The Marshy Paradise of Ladakh
A wetland of national and global importance and a key biodiversity area, the Hanle marshes and the wildlife that it nurtures need urgent protection from land-use changes
Photo Story

High and Dry: The Gradual Erosion of Ladakh’s ‘Dry Toilet’ Culture
Burgeoning tourism is pressurising locals in Ladakh to construct water-based toilets that are unsuited for its freezing terrain and only add to its water woes
Wild Vault

Crossing Paths with the Pallas’s Cat in the Trans-Himalaya
A dream, a pursuit, and finally, an encounter with the fabulous, fuzzy ribilik on a rocky outcrop near Hanle in Ladakh
Photo Story

Dance of the Black-necked Cranes in Ladakh
Every year, flocks of black-necked cranes descend upon the Changthang Plateau to breed, nest, and look after their young
Photo Story

Can the Quick Red Fox Jump Over the Ladakhi Dog?
In the Changthang Plateau of Ladakh, conflict between red foxes and packs of free-ranging dogs intensifies

Himalayan Wolf: The Howler of Hanle
Searching for the elusive Tibetan wolf, in the Changthang Plateau of Ladakh

Perhaps We Made the Mountain God Angry
Nomadic Changpa pastoralists at the high grazing grounds of Ladakh find their yak-related economy in a crisis that is driven by major climatic shifts in their fragile mountainous ecosystems