28 Results

Winds of Change: Sharing Space with the Wild in Ramanagara
At first glance, the Ramanagara landscape seems like a picturesque habitat dotted by giant boulders. A closer look reveals new emerging signs of conflict with the wild

Let the River Run: Smooth-coated Otters on the Cauvery
The largest of the otter species in India have adapted to drastic changes to river habitats but are being taken to the edge as they face continuous threats to their survival
Photo Story

A Dust Spa: Malabar Pied Hornbills and their Winter Bath
Malabar pied hornbills, like all birds, must keep their feathers in pristine condition. After all, their survival depends on it. Watch them wriggle and roll in the dust for a perfect clean-up.

Sharavathi: Lament of a River
Tropical evergreen forests and Myristica swamps once cloaked this river’s landscape on its westward journey to the sea. The river’s rhythm, once decided by tides, is now interrupted by dams and a port built to serve people elsewhere
Photo Story

Last Stand: The Kolar Leaf-nosed Bat and its Forgotten Cave
A citizen scientist strives to protect the only known habitat of a rare, critically endangered species of bat in Karnataka

Going to the Dogs? Turning the Page for India’s Endangered Dhole
As efficient carnivores built to thrive at the top of the food chain, the Asiatic wild dog is a pack hunter that can bring down prey many times its size. Unfortunately, it also has a long history of targeted persecution in India

Congratulations from the New Species of 2020
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

Living Waters: The Resistance and Resilience of the Cauvery
For a large part of its course, the Cauvery River is exploited and abused. However, a few pockets of wilderness, including a 110-km stretch that runs through the protected Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary, provide a sliver of hope
Photo Story

The Guide: Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary
Every summer, the river waters recede to reveal tiny islands that welcome the sanctuary’s biggest attraction — large congregations of graceful and gregarious river terns

Tall Tales: Trees from Nagarhole
A glimpse into the ecological and cultural linkages of eight important tree species from the moist, dry deciduous forests of Nagarhole Tiger Reserve

Hump-nosed Pit Viper: Gem on the Forest Floor
Deep in the forests of the northern Western Ghats, Castle Rock is a hotspot for reptiles and amphibians, and the perfect location to find and study this elusive nocturnal pit viper

Evolutionary Anomalies: Killing and Eating Your Kind
When king cobras eat other king cobras — strange stories of animal cannibalism

The Story Behind the ‘Hardship Allowance’ for Karnataka’s Frontline Forest Staff
An account of the behind-the-scenes struggle to give forest guards and watchers protecting some of India’s best tiger landscapes their due

Writing On the Wall: Heed the Message from this Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the close link between habitat and biodiversity loss and an increase in the eruption of zoonotic diseases. India needs to arrest this environmental downslide now

Breaking Bad: The Brotherhood of Bull Elephants
How young male elephants have changed their social behaviour and adopted a range of strategies and tactics that help them raid crops and survive the wrath of humans

Crisis in Kodagu: Can Humans and Elephants co-exist?
Kodagu’s people live in constant fear of elephant encounters, but strengthening wildlife corridors and educating locals can mitigate the situation. This is the second story in a two-part series on human-elephant interactions in Kodagu

Crisis in Kodagu: Reports from the Epicentre of Human-Elephant Conflict
Escalating human-elephant clashes in Kodagu are causing economic loss, and endangering lives of both, man and animal. This is the first story in a two-part series on human-elephant interactions in Kodagu

Russell’s Vipers: Predators of the Undergrowth
A radio telemetric study explores the life and behaviour of this elusive, cryptic and hugely misunderstood snake

The Indian Grey Wolf is in Need of Greater Protection
A recent study found that most habitats suited to the Indian grey wolf lie outside protected sanctuaries and national parks, putting its survival at great risk

Will Agumbe Remain One of Wettest Places in India?
Traditionally stable weather systems have changed and the rainfall pattern in Agumbe has become erratic — the effect of both global and local factors

High and Dry: The Cauvery’s Otters Need Their River Back
A polluted vestige of its former self, the over-exploited Cauvery River has left otters, fishermen, and other many river residents bereft

Baby of the Forest: In Search of the Malabar Grey Slender Loris
In the densest parts of Agumbe’s forests, this wide-eyed primate feeds on insects in the quiet of the night

Malabar Pit Viper: Ambush in the Well of Life and Death
Occurring in an array of different colours, the nocturnal Malabar pit viper is a keen hunter that is endemic to the rainforests of the Western Ghats

Kokkare Bellur: The Blessed Bird Village of Karnataka
In A Tigress Called Machhli, Supriya Sehgal shares fascinating stories of various animals that inhabit our forests, cities, and backyards — including a curious tale of a village in Karnataka that is taken over by cackling storks

The Snake and I: Decoding the Work of Gerry Martin
Addressing snake-human conflict is just one aspect of herpetologist Gerry Martin’s goal of making conservation a way of life

How Bus Stands in Kali Reserve Got Their Groove Back
When art and nature meet, the result can be quite eye-catching
Wild Vault

Edwin Joseph, The Sparrow Whisperer
Bengaluru’s Sparrow Man is passionate about saving the little birds from extinction

Wild Eye: Shaaz Jung on Photographing Kabini
The big-cat tracker and wildlife photographer shares pictures of the forest that
shaped him
Photo Story