orb weaver
10 Results

Resident Predators: Living With Spiders
Step into the world of five spider families found in urban Indian homes, and learn a little about their complex tactics for catching a wide diversity of prey
Urban Jungle

Poltys: Ingenious Camouflage of an Orb-weaving Spider
After nightly hunts on their orb-shaped webs, Poltys and Cyphalonotus spiders spend the day masquerading as leaves, twigs or even dried seeds
Photo Story

The Silver Orb Spider and its Masterpiece
Cartoons and illustrations on wildlife, environment, and conservation
Green Humour

The Spin on the Spider’s Silk Route
The protein fibre produced by spiders has multiple intriguing uses beyond the building of webs
Wild Vault

Life on the Vertical: Exploring Nature on City Walls
The ecology of urban walls includes a variety of life, from ferns and figs, to paper wasps, stingless bees, and two-tailed spiders
Urban Jungle

Spirals Through Time: Evolution of Orb-weaver Webs
Orb-weaver spiders are functional design enthusiasts and imaginative decorators, creating a variety of webs that range from minimalist to ornate — all are highly effective insect traps

Orb-weaving Spiders in Art and Imagination
These tiny creatures have inspired design, art, and folklore. They manufacture all their own raw materials for knitting orb-shaped masterpieces of silk that are not just geometric and pretty but also very efficient at catching prey

Spider Hunting Spider: Portia and the Art of Problem Solving
A peanut-sized jumping spider called Portia concocts complex strategies to catch its prey

Enter the Mysterious World of Camel Spiders
Neither camel nor spider, this hyperactive solifugid is a nocturnal warrior and formidable lover

Snare Traps and Night-vision Goggles: Net-casting Spider on a Hunt
Hunter, scientist, skilled weaver, and meticulous planner — this fascinating arachnid’s nightly action plan reveals it is as intelligent as it is industrious